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The Dunkeltaler Forest Array, owned by Alpen Signal Observatorium, is the playable area. The forest is known for its long history of curses and superstition, such as missing people, cryptid sightings, and strange unidentified flying objects. The story of Dunkeltaler Forest cannot be fully explained on this page alone, but many eyes across the universe see something of value in the Forest's seemingly anomalous nature.


This is a map of Dunkeltaler with every Satellite and Transformer marked. Satellites are marked according to the first letter in their name (B-Y), and transformers are marked according to their corresponding number (0-2). The main base is located at point A on the map. The large red square indicates the approximate "soft" border around the playable area, marked in-game by a fence. The player can exit the "soft" border, but there isn't much out there other than a few secrets. The world border ends at the edges of the map with a large invisible wall.

This is a spoiler free map, for detailed map, see below. (Haven't made an updated detailed map, I will at some point.)

A map of the forest, including spoiler free POIs.

Alpha Root Base

"Alpha Root Base" is the main location in which the player can scan for signals, processes them, and return them to the ASO. The base features a kitchen refitted to also act as Dr. Kel's living quarters, a bathroom, a garage with an ATV, an administration desk, and a signal processing and research station.



Satellite Dishes are located around the map and serve to facilitate part of the game's core gameplay of processing signals.
The Satellites are given alphabetically named designations from B-Y, with 2 different naming conventions the player can switch between, being the NATO phonetic alphabet, and a seemingly made-up phonetic alphabet.
Satellite Dishes all share the same appearance, having a large concrete base, with a large Dish on top, which can swivel and pivot. There is a catwalk that leads up to the top of the base structure to a small server room housed inside the structure, where in which there is a Server and a Console inside.

Satellite Name Coordinates
Bravo/Barbel [ X:-100.0 / Y:-200.0 ]
Charlie/Caspari [ X:0.0 / Y:-200.0 ]
Delta/Delaina [ X:100.0 / Y:-200.0 ]
Echo/Eggen [ X:-200.0 / Y:-100.0 ]
Foxtrot/Fabia [ X:200.0 / Y:0.0 ]
Golf/Giotto [ X:200.0 / Y:100.0 ]
Hotel/Hagan [ X:100.0 / Y:200.0 ]
India/Ingo [ X:0.0 / Y:200.0 ]
Juliett/Joelle [ X:-100.0 / Y:200.0 ]
Kilo/Khalid [ X:-200.0 / Y:100.0 ]
Lima/Lea [ X:-200.0 / Y:0.0 ]
Mike/Marcel [ X:-200.0 / Y:-100.0 ]
November/Noemie [ X:-300.0 / Y:-300.0 ]
Oscar/Orell [ X:300.0 / Y:300.0 ]
Papa/Pascale [ X:-300.0 / Y:300.0 ]
Quebec/Quirin [ X:-300.0 / Y:300.0 ]
Romeo/Regula [ X:-500.0 / Y:-500.0 ]
Sierra/Sergio [ X:0.0 / Y:-500.0 ]
Tango/Teresa [ X:-500.0 / Y:-500.0 ]
Uniform/Ulrich [ X:500.0 / Y:0.0 ]
Victor/Vanessa [ X:500.0 / Y:500.0 ]
Whiskey/Walter [ X:0.0 / Y:500.0 ]
Xray/Xaviera [ X:-500.0 / Y:500.0 ]
Yankee/Yacine [ X:-500.0 / Y:0.0 ]

Points of Interest

Name Details Cords
Main Entrance Gate
Location EntryGate.jpg
This is the location where the player first spawns when creating a new save. It is on the edge of the "soft" fence border and, as of Pre-Alpla 0.7.0b3, has a small security building that can be climbed to access the outer section of the map.

The interior of the security building contains one wooden crate, a chair, a desk, a seemingly unusable drive, a trashcan, and plenty of trash on the floor. There is also a tile related to the cabinet secret on the roof. There are also faded posters on the inside walls that seem to have logos on them, but most are illegible.

[ X:??? / Y:??? ]
The Cave
Location Cave.png
For more information, check The Cave. (...)
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