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Spoilers: lists of every event ingame


This page is unfinished. Please be patient as our editors finish the page.

Events are a primary game mechanic in Voices Of The Void which serve to give the player some insight into what is happening in the game world around them. They can be triggered through multiple means, either by chance, player action, or time progressing; For example, some events are guaranteed to occur on certain days in the story mode.

Random Events

It has been proposed that this page be split into a new page titled Events/Random.

These events occur randomly at any time of day, with little to no player involvement. Some are genuinely random; others can be somewhat influenced by the player.

Random Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Bad Sun
Event BadSun.png
This event has two different spawn methods, the first being playing the game on the 24th of the real life month, in which this event is guaranteed when the next day starts. It will continue having a guaranteed spawn on every 24th day of the month until the player unlocks the achievement for surviving it. The other method is a very low random spawn chance whenever an in-game new day starts, unaffected by the previously mentioned achievement. When the sun rises, the base's alarms will go off signifying something wrong. The sun is replaced with a black box seemingly censoring whatever it's been replaced with and any attempt to look at it will cause Kel's vision to be dragged towards it like Insomniac. Standing in any open area where the sun can reach during this event will damage the player and cause them to drop bits of flesh that can be eaten. Upon dying, the player will receive a unique game over, unlocking the (name) achievement. Surviving the entire event unlocks the (name) achievement and disables the guaranteed 24th spawn every month, although it could theoretically still happen via the other random chance spawn. It is recommended the player gets the achievement for dying first that way they do not remove the guaranteed spawn and have to wait an indiscernable amount of time for it to happen again via chance. Full
Bedroom Vent Breaks
Event BedroomVentBreaks.png
While sleeping in the bedroom's bed, there is a random chance that the vent on the wall will fall off. (...)
Black Fog
Event BlackFog.png
During this event, a pulsing "brown noise" ambience drone will be heard interspersed with louder white noise. Some directional white noise will be placed near the player to give the impression of a presence nearby.

While the ambience drone is playing, the world will gradually be covered in an opaque black fog and Fog Creatures can spawn and roam the world. Half way through the event, the fog will speed up in reaching full opacity. During the speed-up, Meta Paranoia will occur.

After the event ends, all of its effects will rapidly disappear. This event lasts 2 and a half in-game hours on default settings.

Mannequins At Uniform
Event UniformMannequins.png
At any point, all the mannequins within the world will be teleported to out front of satellite Uniform. This is an event that can happen within the first day and within sandbox. None
Goat Skull Locker Surprise
Event LockerSkull.png
Upon opening a locker, a large goat skull will be inside, which will play a sound and will fade away quickly. None
Red Sky
Event RedSky.png
A bright, red sky will form. This red sky will be bright even at midnight. The event will last a whole in-game day. None
Space Jellyfishes
Event SpaceJellyfish.png
Several ESpace Jellyfish will swim overhead, starting from one corner of the game world to the other corner. They have no interaction with the player, and can swim through world geometry. None
EG Ship Roaming
Event EGShip.png
A EG Ship will descend quickly from the sky and roam the area. If approached, the EG Ship will quickly ascend back to the sky. Full(If near EG Ship)
Haunted Kerfur
Event HauntedKerfur.png
If the player owns a standard Kerfur which is turned off, it will suddenly bolt up and start wandering to an unknown location, which is marked by a meat pile. Once it reaches the meat pile the Kerfur will stop moving and fall over. None
Meat Rain
Event MeatRain.png
A roaring sound will play, and it will begin to rain meat piles. (These piles will not go away unless the player cleans them up.) Unknown
Earth-Shaking Roar
A roar from an unknown entity will shake the area around the player. (...)
Satellites Move On Their Own
Event SatellitesMoveOnOwn.png
The satellites will suddenly start moving on their own, and all point in the same direction. (This will not cause a new signal to be detected, and if the player is already targeting a signal it will not be interrupted.) None
Satellite Graffiti
Satanic graffiti will be drawn on the side of the satellite walls. (...)
Skeleton in Chair
A full skeleton will appear, sitting in the player's swivel chair. The bones will stay perfectly in place until they are disturbed. (...)
Stolen Radio Tower
Event StolenRadioTower.png
The radio tower will be missing in its entirety. None
Event Gears.png
Sometimes when the player sleeps to 100% stamina, massive gears will appear across the Array. They will vanish as soon as the player goes outside. (Bugged and does not activate in 0.7.0) Full
Console Breach
Event ConsoleBreach.png
An intruder has accessed the console and attempted to access the "core" and disable it only for it to not respond. (...)
Light Switches Off
Occasionally, a light switch can be flipped back off on its own. (...)
Empty Base
Event Empty Base.png
The player will be suddenly teleported into a version of base lacking furnishings and lighting, floating inside an empty dark void. Full
Shooting Star
Event ShootingStar.png
Occasionally, a single shooting star will spawn in the sky. It is the same as the shooting stars seen in the Meteor Shower story event. None
Event SkyUFO.png
An extremely far away Gray UFO can be seen in the sky, barely visible. This event can happen even within other gamemodes such as Sandbox. Full (If UFO is in Field of View of the player)

Ariral Reputation Events

These events are based off the player's reputation with the campsite Arirals. The player can influence their reputation status (and therefore the likelihood of these events triggering) by gifting the Arirals shrimp or other foods.

For more information, see Events/Ariral Reputation.

Player-Activated Events

It has been proposed that this page be split into a new page titled Events/Activated.

These events differ from the random events in that most of them can be triggered by the player's actions.

Player-Activated Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Mannequin on Fire
Event MannequinOnFire.png
If you set a living mannequin on fire it will start walking and attacking the player until it gets destroyed using a prop or a tool. Extinguishing it doesn't make any difference. Pathfinding is very buggy, the mannequin tends to stop in one place and gets stuck easily. None
Visitor Footprints
When the player interacts with a secret note found in the vents, a pair of footprints will appear by a pole outside the base. (This event is bugged and does not work in 0.7.0) (...)
Howling Grass
If the player enters a particular spot near Yankee, a howling will be heard in the distance. (...)

Signal Events

These events are activated by downloading, playing, or processing a signal.

Signal Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Random Looker Signals
Event RandomLookerSignals.png
At random, one of six signals will be automatically detected. These signals depict the array and the observatory itself, and are not still images; rather, they are live broadcasts. None
Event Tardis.png
Upon downloading the signal "tardis", the titular machine will appear outside the front door. It will vanish after about 5-10 in-game minutes. The event last 2 real-life minutes total. None
Zombie Deer
Event ZombieDeer.png
If the signal "deer" is processed to level 3, a rotting deer carcass will appear outside the front door of base hidden within a bush. Until the carcass is disposed of or fully eaten, a ghostly deer will appear each night and stalk the base. It can phase through doors and will chase and attack the player before fading away. It will also fade away if the player looks at it for too long, providing a method of evasion. None
The End Is Near
Event TheEvil.png
If the signal "evil" is processed to level 3, the player will have a limited time to dispose of all copies of the signal, or else a game-over will occur. (As with all game-overs this does not delete the save, and will only send the player to their last save-point on reload.) Once the event has begun the player will receive an email instructing the player on what to do, and another email will be received if the player successfully destroys all copies. Success provides a reputation boost. None
Shitting Duende
Event ShittingDuende.png
Upon saving the signal "shitDuende", a Duende will appear on your toilet. Finding him will cause him to vanish. None
Event Virus.png
Upon saving the signal "virus", all four computers will display a red screen with a white ASCII skull, along with a loud humming sound. This will disable the power for a short while, and many of the servers will require maintenance. None
Rozital Engine Awakening
Event Lifecrystal.png
Upon sending out the signal "lifecrystal" at level 3, at midnight, a large purple beam will strike near Uniform. This beam lasts for about 30 seconds. By going where this beam strikes, one will find the Rozital engine has been activated - it will fly up, begin sparking violently, then explode. A magenta Argemia plushie will be left behind. None
Shorts Ariral Teleport
Event Shortarirtp.png
After Day 30, it is possible to find the signal "shortarirtp". Shortly after detecting it, a massive crashing sound can be heard, heavy screen shaking will occur, and the screen will flash blue. This will activate the alarms and disable the power. There will now be a permanent dot on the radar, near the edge of the map between Yankee and Romeo. Going there will reveal what appears to be a cut-off part of a satellite, alongside a burnt, half-destroyed corpse and the Gravity Gun. Full
Bloody Skeleton
Event Process.png
Upon saving the signal "process", a bloody skeleton will appear outside TR_0. This skeleton will possess an alien magnet. None

Ritual Events

These events are triggered by groups of player actions.

Ritual Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Lambert Plush
Event LambertPlush.png
In the shed near Uniform [X:408, Y:24] a portal will open at 03:33. Upon entering the portal player gets shifted to the Lambert plushie ritual dimension. Bring 4 elemental runes and place them in the corresponding slots. Use the ritual knife laying on the table to stab yourself and Lambert plushie will appear. To exit the area jump in the void. Full (in the ritual dimension)
Furfur Plush
Event FurfurPlush.png
Assemble 3 Furfur altar pieces by stacking them. Use the ritual knife from Lambert plushie ritual dimension to stab yourself and obtain a piece of kel meat. Place the meat piece under the altar arc and light it on fire using a lighter. The altar will start emitting red light and the Furfur plushie will appear.

Altar pieces locations: 1: Laying in the cave [X:-672, Y:-564] 2: Buried [X:253.1, Y:584.4] 3: Buried, can be dug up only at 3 AM [X:391.5, Y:-383.4]

Erie Plush (Live)
Event EriePlush(Live).png
Give Erie plushie a paper sheet and a pencil. She will write down a food name. Give her the food she asked for and repeat the process. Once Erie plushie had enough food she will come to life, emitting red light and exploding in the process. (...)
White Argemia
Event White Argemia.png
Place 6 chairs to form a hexagon with distance between them being 5 meters. You can find a hexagon template print in voicesoftheprinter GitHub repository or in EternityDev Discord Server's printer forum to make it easier. Place red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta argemia plushies on top of the chairs, order doesn't matter. Once ritual starts each plushie will shoot a beam in the sky and white argemia plush will appear. After the ritual every plush will disappear. (...)
Black Argemia
Event BlackArgemia.png
Place 7 skulls at the center of stonehenge [X:213, Y:541], soon skulls will form a spinning circle around a portal that will suck you in, use hook to attach yourself to the ground. Drop red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta argemia plushies waiting around half of a second between dropping each one, order doesn't matter. Once the portal closes black argemia plushie will appear. Doesn't work with skulls spawned using sandbox spawn menu. (...)
Event Grock.png
In the restricted area near Tango [X:680, Y:-573] a green firepit will appear every night at 00:00 - 01:00. Bring a fire extinguisher and start extinguishing it. Beware that the campfire will force you to look at it and will suck you in. When extinguishing is done it will start exploding violently and deal great damage to the player so you should keep distance or use a hook to survive. Once it calms down the grock will appear, an achievement will be granted, and 300 points will be added to player's balance. Once you have the achievement if you repeat the ritual on another save you won't get points. None
Event Hrock.png
Place 7 skulls at the center of stonehenge [X:213, Y:541], soon the skulls will form a spinning circle around a portal that will suck you in, use hook to attach yourself to the ground. Once the portal closes the hrock will appear. Doesn't work with skulls spawned using sandbox spawn menu. (...)

03:33 AM Events

3:33 AM events are triggered by a player doing something or being somewhere at 3:33 AM.

3:33 Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Furfur Toilet Jumpscare
Event FurfurToilet.png
Upon using the toilet at exactly 3:33 AM a furfur will appear, jumpscaring the player, spawning 2 bones and vanishing afterwards. (...)
Meat Locker Red Glow
(...) (...)


Dreams occur randomly at low stamina or when sleeping. When completing the requirement of a dream, the player will wake up with a boost to their hunger and/or stamina; otherwise, they will lose stamina. When a dream ends the player will be launched out of the bed, or wherever they happen to be sleeping. With high Ariral reputation, you may also find shrimp where you wake up.

Dreams Table
Dream Description Completion Requirements
Burger Dream
Dream Burger.png
You spawn on a platform made of burgers, and must collect floating burgers without falling off. Collect all 10 burgers
Mannequin Dream
Dream Mannequin.png
You spawn in a room with small pillars and four connected rooms that spawn shadowy mannequins Survive for 2 minutes
Work Dream
Dream Work.png
You spawn in a compressing room with a table with various items. Hide in the table to avoid being crushed
Flooding Dream
Dream Flooding.png
You spawn in a massive room with large pillars while water rises. Find the door before the water gets too high
Hallway Dream
Dream Hallway.png
You spawn in a small hallway with water rushing in through the side. Reach the door before the water reaches you
Climbing Dream
Dream Climbing.png
You spawn in a tall room with thin towers with pillars sticking of the sides and one large tower with a door on it, alongside rising water. Enter the door at the top before the water reaches you
Parkour Dream
Dream Parkour.png
You spawn on a pillar in a room with several other pillars, and one of the pillars has a door on it. Below you is a large amount of water. Reach the door without falling off
Furfur Dream
Dream Spotlight.png
You spawn on a circular platform with four Furfurs staring at you. This dream will always occur next if Furfur is activated. Wait
Shed Dream
Dream Shed.png
You spawn in the shed. Outside, a UFO comes by to abduct you. Wait

Console-Commands Events

Note: "the funny" setting must be enabled for these events to work. These events are triggered after typing a specific command into the Console. The following event names are the exact syntax of the console commands, type them in exactly as seen below. (Link redirect: Secrets/Console Commands)

Console-Commands Events Table
Event Description Meta Paranoia
Event gooseworxrufus.png
Rufus, a character from a dream Gooseworx had, will chase down the player mercilessly, and eerie music will play. If he is nearby, red text will appear at the top of the screen, reading "HIDE". He can only be removed by killing him with explosions or using the command "rufus.fuckoff". None
Event gooseworxthiccfus.png
A fat version of Rufus will chase down the player mercilessly, and slowed eerie music will play. If he is nearby, red text will appear at the top of the screen, reading "HIDE". He can only be removed by killing him with explosions or using the command "rufus.fuckoff". None
Event llamasaatana.png
A rainbow llama plush spawns behind the player. Once approached the llama will jumpscare with a loud scream. None
Event Alien.png
The console will respond with ">err, try again later" and spawn an alien cutout behind a random door or two. None
Event ariralpls.png
The console responds with "Fine, check the radar". This spawns an Ariral that heads directly towards the player. It behaves exactly like a normal Ariral, and slaps you a few times before fleeing. Full
Event maxwell.png
The console will respond with ">Maxwell activated. Find Maxwell" and Maxwell will spawn in a random spot on the map. If a player is near Maxwell, they will hear an edit of Move Forward by Kevin MacLeod (can be heard here). Maxwell can be pet, causing him to meow, and he will purr when being held. Petting Maxwell too much will make him explode, similar to Kerfur and Kerfur-Omega. None
Event argemwell.png
The console will respond with ">La Creatura activated. Find The MF" and Argemwell will spawn in a random spot on the map. If a player is near Argemwell, they will hear The Penis (Eek!) by Surasshu. Argemwell can be pet, causing it to meow, and will purr when being held. Petting Argemwell too much will make it explode, similar to Kerfur and Kerfur-Omega. Unlike Maxwell, it will explode into an absurd amount of shrimp (enough to massively affect framerate), and with enough force to launch the player across the entire map. None

Story Mode Events

It has been proposed that this page be split into a new page titled Story Mode#Events.

Story mode events are guaranteed to occur as long as the player is in a story mode save and has reached a certain in-game day. These include, but are not limited to:

Story Mode Events Table
Event Description Day Time
Meteor Shower
Event MeteorShower.png
A meteor shower starts. It lasts about for 2 real-life minutes regardless of game time settings. 2 00:17
Broken Fuse
Event BrokenFuse.png
The power breaker box in the basement will have its levers flipped off, acting as if a transformer has run out of cycles. The player can simply turn them back on.
During this event, more than the usual amount of fireflies will appear around the base.
4 00:11
Signal Vent Crawler
Event VentCrawler.png
If the player stands between the chair and main computer, the sound of something crawling through the vents will be heard for 30 seconds. After that the event will end. Meta Paranoia starts at 23:28, no matter where the player is, and the event can go on forever until the player stands at the computer to trigger the sounds. 5 23:28
Ariral Ship Signal
Event AriralShipSignal.png
At some point on day 7, the player is able to pick up an Object signal of an Ariral warp arrow. 7 (...)
Ariral Picnic
Event AriralPicnic.png
Between Romeo and Sierra, within the rose valley between the hills, there will be a picnic set up next to two Warp Arrows. This is the first event where the player can directly interact with the Arirals within the array. Taking anything will result in Ariral reputation loss, but leaving food and shrimp packets will result in Ariral reputation gain. There is a picnic-themed rug, two empty picnic baskets, various junk such as empty Ariral soda cans and empty shrimp trays, and two toy Warp Arrows. They stay for at least 24 hours and may stay up to 48 hours. 8 00:00
Arirals Return
All bird ambience will stop, and Arirals may now eat any shrimp that is left out. (Your shrimp can be protected by keeping it in the fridge, inside a container, or by having a high reputation.) Both of these effects last forever on the save. (...) (...)
Arirals Return Signal
(...) 11 (...)
Server Vent Knocker
Event VentKnocker.png
If the player stands between the chair and main computer, a series of knocks will be heard from within the Alpha Root Base server room's vent. After that the event will end. Meta Paranoia starts at 00:39, no matter where the player is, and the event can go on forever until the player stands at the computer to trigger the sounds. 12 00:39
Email Spam and Ariral Visit
Event EmailSpam AriralShip.png
Several emails from "user" with the "blank" as the subject header and inside will be text spelling "OUTSIDE" between multiple hash symbols (#). Outside, within view from the signal processing room, will be an Ariral Warp Arrow. If the player is outside and tries to approach the Warp Arrow, the Warp Arrow will teleport away. 13 00:01
Sushi Gift Delivery
Event EnaMaxSushi.png
A delivery the player did not place will be dropped off by the D-Drone. This delivery includes a plate of Sushi and a note written by Ena and Max.
Ena's Note:
Hey, Max and I stashed some of your favorite sushi rolls on the D-Drone, behind that old connard's back. Not cheap Bouffe either, you better appreciate it.
So uh, keep at it, and good luck I guess, Mon Cheri.
Enara and Maxine
15 08:50
Pink Wisp Swarm
A multitude of pink wisps will spawn all over the array. (Exact timing needs more testing; event can only start if player is not watching the radar) 15 ~20:00
Ariral Treehouse
Event AriralTreehouse FinalDay.png
The Arirals within the Array will construct a tree house between Papa and Victor, near Transformer 0, over a five-day period. Campfire smoke will signal the beginning of the event. During the early stages of construction, a large storage crate will be present, which if interacted with will knock back the player and trigger an alarm. 17-22 00:00
Croissant Delivery
Event EnaCroissants.png
A delivery the player did not place will be dropped off by the D-Drone. This delivery includes 5 Croissants and a note written by Ena.
Ena's Note:
Hey there my little mec, how's the crippling
darkness? Just wanted to let you know I did some
baking and over the weekend and I know you'll
be sick of those probably decade old daube ass

You'll appreciate some genuine French cuisine
made by a professional such as myself haha.

Anyway, Croissants. For you. Raspberry drizzle,

and don't like starve to death or anything ok? I
still miss you asshole.

Love, Enara
20 08:50
Dropped Gun
A yowling sound will be heard outside. After this the player can find a special gun in the parking lot, along with a shrimp packet. The player can attempt to keep the gun, or they can take it to the tree house for a reputation boost. If the player doesn't bring the gun to the tree house, an Ariral will come back to retrieve it. 24 20:00
Radio Tower Ariral Ship
Event RadioTower AriralShip.png
After day 20, when the player stands at the top of the radio tower there is a chance for an Ariral ship to appear next to the tower. It will vanish after a few moments. 20+ (...)
Brownie Trail
Event BrownieTrail.png
An Ariral will appear outside and start placing a trail of brownies. Following the trail will lead the player to a large pile of brownies with a note placed on top. The contents of the note depend on the player's Reputation. If the player has a Loyal reputation, the Arirals will create a Kel doll and leave it at the tree house for the player to receive, accompanied by another note. If the player has a Mean reputation, the Arirals will fill the entire base with piles of trash while the player is distracted by the brownies.

Loyal Reputation Note:
Good Reputation Note:
Neutral Reputation Note:
Inconvenient Reputation Note:
Mean Reputation Note:

Kel Doll Note:

25 05:30
Warning Obelisk
Event WarningObelisk.png
An obelisk will fall from the sky and land near the base, setting off the base's alarms. The event will not end until the player approaches the obelisk, activating a hologram that depicts a warning. 29 15:40(?)
Shorts Ariral Teleport
Event Shortarirtp.png
After Day 30, it is possible to find the signal "shortarirtp". Shortly after detecting it, a massive crashing sound can be heard, heavy screen shaking will occur, and the screen will flash blue. This will activate the alarms and disable the power. There will now be a permanent dot on the radar, near the edge of the map between Yankee and Romeo. Going there will reveal what appears to be a cut-off part of a satellite, alongside a burnt, half-destroyed corpse and the Gravity Gun. 30+ Any
Sun Blackout
The sky will suddenly turn pitch-black and the world will be dark for exactly 66 real-life seconds. During and after this period, a series of emails will be received. 31 11:28
Looker Signals
Event StoryLookerSignals.png
The player will receive a series of signals, each one depicting a live feed of the base on the downloading panel. Each signal's feed will be progressively closer to the player. The fourth signal will be from the perspective of the inside of a locker. A notification will pop up warning the player not to look in the locker. (If the player opens the locker, the game will crash. On reload, the player will be standing exactly where they were at the time the locker was opened, and it will be empty. If the player avoids the locker and downloads the signal instead, the crash will be avoided.) The final signal stares at the back of the player's head, and it will automatically download itself before the player has a chance to turn around, even if detection and download percentages are not at 100. 32-33 ??:??
Piramid Arrival
Event PiramidArrival.png
A huge Rozital will appear, walking all around the Array and collecting yellow wisps. It will not attack the player. It will leave after it has collected every yellow wisp present. After this yellow wisps should no longer spawn. (Due to a bug they might continue to spawn for a little while: this can be fixed by saving and reloading.) 35 18:00
Rozital Scouts
Event RotizalScouts.png
A group of tentacled Rozitals will appear near TR_2; at the same time, TR_2 will be shut off, luring the player to this location. The Rozitals will take a long tour around the Array, and will also seek out and attempt to grab and scan the player; if the player avoids being scanned for too long, the Rozitals will try to kill the player instead. If the player is successfully scanned, the Rozitals will peacefully continue their tour, and eventually exit the Array near Victor. 37 18:00
Garage Rozital
Event GarageRozital.png
While the player is inside the base, a Soltomia Rozital will enter the garage though the drone hole and start cleaning the ATV with a giant sponge. The front door and balcony door leading out of the base will be jammed, forcing the player to eventually enter the garage. As soon as the player opens the door to the garage, the Rozital will flee and drop its sponge outside, which the player can then collect. 39 19:00
Rozital Mothership
Event RozitalMothership.png
An enormous rectangular Rozital ship will slowly fly over the Array. This event takes 8 real-life minutes to complete. 42 11:01
Hole Repair
Event HoleRepair.png
Bright purple beams will shine visible from very far, with 4 corners around the Hole near Yankee. Rozitals will take over the area around the Hole, with small Rozitals guarding it with lasers. There will be gadgetry around the hole pointing a yellow beam downward, and afterward you can enter the hole. It will usually send you back to the start and then kill you, however it is possible to use a Hook to reach the bottom room, where 4 notes will be stacked on an object that will send you back to your base.
Come back later

no lgetis 4 u yet lol
44 00:01
Gray Flyover
(...) (...) (...)
Gray Dumping Corpse
Flying saucers will fly across the Array, and on their way will drop a corpse near the main power block. 45 23:12
Gray Dumping Corpse Near Window
Event GrayDumpingCorpseNearWindow.png
Flying saucers will fly across the Array, and on their way will drop a corpse in the parking lot. 46 4:19
Gray Dumping Jeep
Flying saucers will fly across the Array, and on their way will drop a jeep near the base. 47 23:28


Real Life Time Events

These events are triggered whenever the player's computer has a system date and time specific to each event. There aren't many of these. A list is as follows:

  • The Bad Sun event will always occur on the first morning on the 24th of each real-life month, but can also appear randomly per start of a new in-game day. It is not guaranteed on the 24th if the player has the achievement for surviving it.
  • The April Fool's Day event, on April 1st of each real-world year.
  • The Halloween gamemode event, on October 31st of each real-world year.