Dr. Max

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"This data sucks."

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Dr. Max is a stereotypically "nerdy" amateur scientist working for Alpen Signal Observatorium.




Note: These emails are quoted directly from the in-game emails and any spelling or grammar errors are a product of the game.

Responses to Drive Deliveries

  • Some emails are only received upon delivery of specific drives or finishing a daily task. These are listed below.
Max Art EmailAvatar.png
Dr. Max
Time Independent
It is definitely better now but still, would be even better if you could refine it even further.
Max Art EmailAvatar.png
Dr. Max
Time Independent
I dont like this
I dont like how this sounds, quite scary and unnerving. I will sent this data to Ena, she will analyze it further.
Max Art EmailAvatar.png
Dr. Max
Time Independent
Can hear stuff
I can definetely hear frequencies and electromagnetic wind. This data will be very helpful in our research.


