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Most of these entities lack an "official" name so any names with quotation marks ("Example") were decided by the community for the sake of convenience. Entities with names lacking quotation marks have been officially referred to as that name via the creator.

The Looker

Entity Looker.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Story Mode: Days 32~33 in Story mode, it appears in 5 signals.
- Found in random signals around the map such as at Stonehenge.

An entity with no known physical form. It is the only story-mode forbidden and seemingly transmits signals of base to the player. Rarely, the player can find non-story mode signals of The Looker being perched in areas such as Stonehenge, before and after the Looker Locker event happens. The locker crash can be avoided if the player opens the locker while having a wall or other object blocking the entire locker door. The player will receive a series of signals showing off the area around base and the inside of it. Upon downloading the signal in which it is inside the locker, the player will be warned with the following: "⚠️ Do not look into the locker." If the left-most locker is opened, the game will immediately crash.


Entity Corpsewalker.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance around the player.

It appears in the player's vision for about 1-2 frames at a time before becoming invisible. It can be tracked by its EMF signature. Easier to spot with low framerates.

"Friends From The Past"

Entity HangingShadow.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Shine a source of light under the bridge next to Oscar.

The shadow of a figure hanging from a rope. Not visible on camera.

The Fridge

Entity Fridge.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Spawns upon loading a save, it's located outside the invisible boundary walls.

A humanoid that can only cast a shadow while hunting players that are outside the game's invisible wall. It crashes the player's game on contact.

Tutorial Spider

Entity TutorialSpider.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance in the first room of the tutorial.

A large completely dark entity with three "arms' on each of it sides. It appears for a frame before despawning.


Entity Poolwalker.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Tutorial & Story Mode: Random chance in any body of water.

An invisible entity that appears in water. It makes footstep sounds similar to the player, and creates splashes when touching the edge of the water. It is capable of coming onto dry land, and sometimes interacts with props and doors. It tries to maintain a distance of 10 meters from the player, moving away if approached.

"Chime Guy"

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance during rainstorms via a random chance windchime audio playing.

Also known as "Chimey", is a currently unknown model that appears during rainstorms before/during/after the wind chime audio. This forbidden is still being searched for and a lot of the information behind how it works is unknown.

The Head

Entity TheHead.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A disfigured Ariral head that emerges into sight when it gets close and rushes towards the player, crashing the game upon touching them. Emits a droning sound.

Black Sphere

Entity BlackSphere.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night in the woods around Stonehenge.

A strange dark sphere with what seems to be runes flashing on it from time to time.

"Teleporting Shadows"

Entity TeleportingShadow.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- The player's real life PC clock changes from 8:59PM to 9PM on June 28th of the current year.

A blocky shadow that seemingly teleports around the player and can move while paused. It appears to be multiple shadows. It spawns once a year for a span of about 15 seconds, rushing to the players location and teleporting around them, continuously moving even if the game is paused, and then suddenly despawns. It will spawn in any gamemode and can even appear on the title screen.

The Exit Door

Entity ExitDoor.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Play continuously for 12 hours.

Identical to The White Door, except that it lacks a frame or plywood backing. It will slowly float towards the player while facing one direction. It can phase through all obstacles and ignores gravity, and continues moving while the game is paused.

"Mountain People"

Entity MountainPeople.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Unknown.

Black silhouettes of three creatures. They appear randomly on top of the mountains, visible on the hills beyond the game's invisible border. They disappear the moment they are no longer being looked at (by any means).

"The Cognition"

Entity Cognition.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Low chance to replace the Insomniac.

Also known as "Eyeless Insomniac" is similar to the Insomniac, but without eyes. The Cognition does not change its transparency based off the player's stamina. Upon grabbing the player, they will be teleported to a white void, with a metal chair and a wood cabin in the far distance.


  • Forbiddens are non-canon.
  • The reasons why forbiddens causes game crashes are theorized to be the game attempting to keep the player safe and out of danger.