Entities/Joke Entities

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These entities are mainly humorous non-canon meme creatures found in secret areas or directly triggered via enabling "The Funny" toggle in settings and then inputting commands on the base console.


Entity Rufus.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "gooseworx.rufus" into the console, when he is nearby, the words HIDE will appear on-screen.

A weird slender red creature locked behind "The Funny" setting and console commands. Rufus will run to the player from the other side of the map where the green locker is at. The player can kill him with explosives. If he manages to touch the player, they will die instantly. The console command "rufus.fuckoff" will immediately despawn him.


Entity Thiccfus.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "gooseworx.thiccfus" into the console, when he is nearby, the words HIDE will appear on-screen.

A rotund red ball creature. The player can kill him with explosives. If he manages to touch the player, they will die instantly. The console command "rufus.fuckoff" will also immediately despawn him. This version of Rufus is extremely slow and gets stuck on map geometry.

Erie (Alive)

Entity Erie(Alive).png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Hand Erie a piece of paper and a pencil, she will request food. When all requests are completed, she will come to life.

The Erie plush but now miraculously alive. She walks around, dances, grabs things, and generally makes life harder for no real reason. The food and amount of requests she gives the player are randomly generated, all requests must be completed without exiting the save or Erie will reset requiring the player to do it all over again from the start.

Spider Argemia

Entity SpiderArgemia.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Spawns if the player enters the secret area found in the first room of the tutorial.

An argemia plush deformed into the shape of a spider. The secret area it resides in is accessible by pulling the table to the ledge, jumping on the table, and climbing the ledge. When the player turns the corner it will run at the player and kill them immediately on contact.

Shitting Duende

Entity ShittingDuende.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Spawns on the toilet if the player processes the shitDuende signal to level 3.

A duende shitting on the toilet. The duende fades out when the player directly spots it.