Events/Ariral Reputation

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Quick Reputation Table

If you find and CONFIRM an event happens at a specific tier, feel free to edit an ? into a ✓.

✓ = happens at this tier
? = unknown
x = doesn't happen at this tier

Ariral Reputation Events Table
Event Mean Inconvenient Normal Good Loyal
Alien Cart ? ?
Alien Catapult ?
Aliens Arrive
Anti-Gravity Prank ? ? ?
Ariral Breaks Vent ? ? ? ?
Ariral Tripping ? ? ? ?
ATV Explodes ? ? ? ?
ATV Refill ? ? ? ?
ATV Repair ? ? ? ?
Base Graffiti ? ? ? ?
Base Graffiti (Void Eyes) ? ?
Base Reorganizing ? ? ? ?
Bed Relocation Prank ? ? ?
Bed Shrimp ? ? ? ?
Blue-Lights Prank ? ? ? ?
Bomb Present ? ? ? ?
Cookies Present ? ? ? ?
Egg Ditch ? ? ? ?
Fake Drives ? ? ?
Food Gift ? ? ?
Oilslicks ? ? ?
Poisoned Food ? ? ?
Sleep-Feeding ? ? ? ?
Tacks ? ? ? ?
Throwing Rocks ? ? ?
Trash Piles ? ? ? ?
Treehouse Kidnapping ? ? ? ?
Vaccine ? ? ? ?

Reputation Levels Table

Ariral Reputation Events Table
Reputation Tiers: Normalized Reputation: Raw Reputation:
Loyal 100 to 88 100 to 88
Good 87 to 63 87 to 25
Normal 62 to 38 24 to -26
Inconvenient 37 to 13 -27 to -74
Mean 12 to 0 -75 to -100

Reputation Table

Aliens Arrive

Event Ariral AliensArrive.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will receive an Email from Dr. Bao suggesting to check the breakers on top of the radio tower. The front door will become broken, forcing the player to go through the garage. There 3 alien mannequins will be surrounding the door. The radio tower becomes disconnected and the front door needs to be opened from outside to be fixed.

Dr. Bao's Email:
Minor inconvenience

We had to restart one of the sections of our nuclear reactor, which created a strong voltage input, we will check what system got out of control or could be broken.

If we notice anything we will try to fix it asap. But just in case i suggest to check the breakers at the top of the tower.

Ariral Breaks Vent

Spawn Condition(s):
- (...)


Alien Cart

Event Ariral AlienCart.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

While the player is at the workstation, a cart with a paper alien statue on top will roll down the path outside.

Alien Catapult

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

When player opens the inner door to the garage, a paper alien statue will be launched at the player by a constructed catapult.

Anti-Gravity Prank

Event Ariral AntiGravityPrank.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

At 18:00, a flickering warp arrow will appear hovering above the base, emitting a blue light. All objects in and around the base will start slowly floating upwards regardless of weight and size, the player is not affected. Taking a picture of the warp arrow with the digital camera (regardless if the picture was taken during a frame where the warp arrow is visible or not) will add 15 points to the players reputation. This only works once, any subsequent pictures will not affect anything. The warp arrow disappears at 20:00, returning normal gravity to all objects.

Ariral Tripping

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


ATV Explodes

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance upon attempting to drive the ATV.

The arirals will rig the ATV to explode, setting it to 0 Health and blowing up as the player attempts to drive it.

Bed Relocation Prank

Spawn Condition(s):
- (...)


Bomb Present

Event Ariral PresentBomb.png
Spawn Condition(s):

A box will be found on the doorstep labeled "Open". Opening it will cause it to explode.

Fake Drives

Event Ariral FakeDrives.png
Spawn Condition(s):

A green drive with signal data will be found in the garage. Upon attempting to upload it, it will explode.


Event Ariral Oilslicks.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Oilslicks will appear outside the front door, and in the garage by the inner garage door. Walking over them causes the player to slip and fall.

Poisoned Food

Event Ariral PoisonedFood.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Frequently, the arirals will leave poisoned food around the player, the food either being a Chocolate Coffee Bar or MRE.


Event Ariral Tacks.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Tacks/caltrops will be scattered across the parking lot, the paths leading away from the base, and all over the floor of the main work room. Walking over them will cause the player to take damage and fall over.

Trash Piles

Event Ariral TrashPiles.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Piles of trash will be placed outside the front door, and in the garage by the inner garage door.

Aliens Arrive

Event Ariral AliensArrive.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will receive an Email from Dr. Bao suggesting to check the breakers on top of the radio tower. The front door will become broken, forcing the player to go through the garage. There 3 alien mannequins will be surrounding the door. The radio tower becomes disconnected and the front door needs to be opened from outside to be fixed.

Dr. Bao's Email:
Minor inconvenience

We had to restart one of the sections of our nuclear reactor, which created a strong voltage input, we will check what system got out of control or could be broken.

If we notice anything we will try to fix it asap. But just in case i suggest to check the breakers at the top of the tower.

Alien Catapult

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

When player opens the inner door to the garage, a paper alien statue will be launched at the player by a constructed catapult.

Anti-Gravity Prank

Event Ariral AntiGravityPrank.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

At 18:00, a flickering warp arrow will appear hovering above the base, emitting a blue light. All objects in and around the base will start slowly floating upwards regardless of weight and size, the player is not affected. Taking a picture of the warp arrow with the digital camera (regardless if the picture was taken during a frame where the warp arrow is visible or not) will add 15 points to the players reputation. This only works once, any subsequent pictures will not affect anything. The warp arrow disappears at 20:00, returning normal gravity to all objects.

Bed Relocation Prank

Spawn Condition(s):
- (...)


Fake Drives

Event Ariral FakeDrives.png
Spawn Condition(s):

A green drive with signal data will be found in the garage. Upon attempting to upload it, it will explode.


Event Ariral Oilslicks.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Oilslicks will appear outside the front door, in the garage by the inner garage door, and on the balcony by the door. Walking over them causes the player to slip and fall.

Poisoned Food

Event Ariral PoisonedFood.png
Spawn Condition(s):

Frequently, the arirals will leave poisoned food around the player, the food either being a Chocolate Coffee Bar or MRE.

Throwing Rocks

Spawn Condition(s):

Arirals throw rocks at the main room's center window. This will happen regardless of if you disposed of all rocks near base.

Aliens Arrive

Event Ariral AliensArrive.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will receive an Email from Dr. Bao suggesting to check the breakers on top of the radio tower. The front door will become broken, forcing the player to go through the garage. There 3 alien mannequins will be surrounding the door. The radio tower becomes disconnected and the front door needs to be opened from outside to be fixed.

Dr. Bao's Email:
Minor inconvenience

We had to restart one of the sections of our nuclear reactor, which created a strong voltage input, we will check what system got out of control or could be broken.

If we notice anything we will try to fix it asap. But just in case i suggest to check the breakers at the top of the tower.

Alien Cart

Event Ariral AlienCart.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

While the player is at the workstation, a cart with a paper alien statue on top will roll down the path outside.

Base Reorganizing

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A mannequin in a unique pose will be placed in the hallway, cups will be stacked in a pyramid on the kitchen counter, and another mannequin will be on the balcony, staring into the bedroom window.

Blue-Lights Prank

Event Ariral BlueLightsPrank.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


Aliens Arrive

Event Ariral AliensArrive.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will receive an Email from Dr. Bao suggesting to check the breakers on top of the radio tower. The front door will become broken, forcing the player to go through the garage. There 3 alien mannequins will be surrounding the door. The radio tower becomes disconnected and the front door needs to be opened from outside to be fixed.

Dr. Bao's Email:
Minor inconvenience

We had to restart one of the sections of our nuclear reactor, which created a strong voltage input, we will check what system got out of control or could be broken.

If we notice anything we will try to fix it asap. But just in case i suggest to check the breakers at the top of the tower.

Alien Cart

Event Ariral AlienCart.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

While the player is at the workstation, a cart with a paper alien statue on top will roll down the path outside.

Alien Catapult

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

When player opens the inner door to the garage, a paper alien statue will be launched at the player by a constructed catapult.

Egg Ditch

Event Ariral EggDitch.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will hear knocking at the front door. A large egg will have been placed on the doorstep.

Food Gift

Event Ariral FoodGift.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


Throwing Rocks

Spawn Condition(s):

Arirals throw rocks at the main room's center window. This will happen regardless of if you disposed of all rocks near base.

Aliens Arrive

Event Ariral AliensArrive.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The player will receive an Email from Dr. Bao suggesting to check the breakers on top of the radio tower. The front door will become broken, forcing the player to go through the garage. There 3 alien mannequins will be surrounding the door. The radio tower becomes disconnected and the front door needs to be opened from outside to be fixed.

Dr. Bao's Email:
Minor inconvenience

We had to restart one of the sections of our nuclear reactor, which created a strong voltage input, we will check what system got out of control or could be broken.

If we notice anything we will try to fix it asap. But just in case i suggest to check the breakers at the top of the tower.

Alien Catapult

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

When player opens the inner door to the garage, a paper alien statue will be launched at the player by a constructed catapult.

ATV Refill

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


ATV Repair

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


Base Graffiti

The Arirals will show up at Base Alpha and paint a random image on the outside of the base in what appears to be black chalk.

The graffiti that can appear on base are:

Bed Shrimp

Event Ariral BedShrimp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

While the player is sleeping, a platter of shrimp will be placed on the bed. This event can repeat.

Cookies Present

Event Ariral PresentCookies.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A box will be found on the doorstep labeled "Open". The box will have 48 cookies in it.

Food Gift

Event Ariral FoodGift.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


Sleep Feeding

Event Ariral SleepFeeding.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

While the player is sleeping, an Ariral will spoon-feed the player yogurt which restores stamina and food.
They will run away when the player wakes up, leaving behind some yogurt containers.
Some containers are empty and others still full of yogurt.
This event can repeat.

Treehouse Kidnapping

Event Ariral TreehouseKidnapping.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.


Event Ariral Vaccine.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The arirals give a "body-improvement" vaccine to the player.

Vaccine Note:

Affecting Reputation


  • Bringing a shrimp pack to the treehouse, regardless of its current progress, will give the player 5 reputation after they leave. Bringing any other food item will only give 0,5 reputation.
  • Holding an item and letting an ariral currently hunting the player take it will give 3 reputation to the player. If that item is a shrimp pack, the players instead gets 20 reputation.
  • Returning items the player previously stole will give back the amount of reputation lost for stealing.
  • Taking a picture of a warp arrow using the digital camera during the Anti-Gravity Prank event will give the player 15 reputation.
  • Returning the arirals their lost gun to the tree house will give the player 50 reputation.
  • Succesfully avoiding The Evil (The end is near signal) will give the player 50 reputation.
  • If the player's reputation is currently below neutral, they will occasionally receive 25 reputation at the end of the day.


  • Swinging a weapon at an ariral currently hunting the player will decrease reputation by 2 for each swing.
  • Erasing ariral graffitis will decrease reputation by 3 for each graffiti.
  • Stealing items will decrease reputation by a certain amount, depending on the item.
  • Causing an explosion in any way in proximity with the tree house will decrease reputation by 15.


  • From 007_001 to 007_008, "Loyal" was called "Flirty."