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The following event names are the exact syntax of the console commands, type them in exactly as seen below.

alien & summon_alien

Event Alien.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "alien" or "summon_alien" into the console.

- Behind a random door on the map.

The console will respond with ">err, try again later" and spawn an alien cutout behind a random door or two.


Event argemwell.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "argemwell" into the console.

- Placed at a random point on the map.

The console will respond with ">La Creatura activated. Find The MF" and Argemwell will spawn in a random spot on the map. If a player is near Argemwell, they will hear The Penis (Eek!) by Surasshu. Argemwell can be pet, causing it to meow, and will purr when being held. Petting Argemwell too much will make it explode, similar to Kerfur and Kerfur-Omega. Unlike Maxwell, it will explode into an absurd amount of shrimp (enough to massively affect framerate), and with enough force to launch the player across the entire map.


Event ariralpls.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "ariral.pls" into the console.

When typing "ariral" into the console, it will respond with ">sorry. ariral busy.". Instead typing "ariral.pls" will have the console respond with "fine, check the radar" and spawn an Ariral that heads directly towards the player. It behaves exactly like a normal Ariral, and slaps you a few times before fleeing.


Event gooseworxrufus.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "gooseworx.rufus" into the console.

Rufus, a character from a dream Gooseworx had, will chase down the player mercilessly, and eerie music will play. If he is nearby, red text will appear at the top of the screen, reading "HIDE". He can only be removed by killing him with explosions or using the command "rufus.fuckoff".


Event gooseworxthiccfus.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "gooseworx.thiccfus" into the console.

A fat version of Rufus will chase down the player mercilessly, and slowed eerie music will play. If he is nearby, red text will appear at the top of the screen, reading "HIDE". He can only be removed by killing him with explosions or using the command "rufus.fuckoff".


Event llamasaatana.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "llama.saatana" into the console.

- Outside of base, on the wall, near the green trash bins.
- Directly behind the player in the server room.

A rainbow llama plush spawns behind the player. Once approached the llama will jumpscare with a loud scream.


Event maxwell.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Type "maxwell" into the console.

- Placed at a random point on the map.

The console will respond with ">Maxwell activated. Find Maxwell" and Maxwell will spawn in a random spot on the map. If a player is near Maxwell, they will hear an edit of Move Forward by Kevin MacLeod (can be heard here). Maxwell can be pet, causing him to meow, and he will purr when being held. Petting Maxwell too much will make him explode, similar to Kerfur and Kerfur-Omega.