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Bloody Skeleton

Event Process.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

Upon saving the signal "process", a bloody skeleton will appear outside TR_0. This skeleton will possess an alien magnet.

Pink Beam & Rozital Engine Awakening

Event Lifecrystal.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

Upon sending out the signal "lifecrystal" at level 3, at midnight, a large purple beam will strike near Uniform. This beam lasts for about 30 seconds. By going where this beam strikes, one will find the Rozital engine has been activated - it will fly up, begin sparking violently, then explode. A magenta Argemia plushie will be left behind.

Random Looker Signals

Event RandomLookerSignals.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

One of six signals will be detected. These signals depict the array and the observatory itself, and are not still images; rather, they are live broadcasts.

Shitting Duende

Event ShittingDuende.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals while "The Funny" setting is on.

Upon saving the signal "shitDuende", a Duende will appear on your toilet. Finding him will cause him to vanish.

Shorts Ariral Teleport

Event Shortarirtp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance whie scanning for signals after day 30.

After Day 30, it is possible to find the signal "shortarirtp". Shortly after detecting it, a massive crashing sound can be heard, heavy screen shaking will occur, and the screen will flash blue. This will activate the alarms and disable the power. There will now be a permanent dot on the radar, near the edge of the map between Yankee and Romeo. Going there will reveal what appears to be a cut-off part of a satellite, alongside a burnt, half-destroyed corpse and the Gravity Gun.


Event Tardis.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

Upon downloading the signal "tardis", the titular machine will appear outside the front door. It will vanish after about 5-10 in-game minutes. The event last 2 real-life minutes total.

The Evil

Event TheEvil.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

If the signal "evil" is processed to level 3, the player will have a limited time to dispose of all copies of the signal, or else a game-over will occur. As with all game-overs this does not delete the save, and will only send the player to their last save-point on reload. Once the event has begun the player will receive an email instructing the player on what to do, and another email will be received if the player successfully destroys all copies. Success provides a reputation boost.


Event Virus.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scnaning for signals.

Upon saving the signal "virus", all four computers will display a red screen with a white ASCII skull, along with a loud humming sound. This will disable the power for a short while, and many of the servers will require maintenance.

Zombie Deer

Event ZombieDeer.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while scanning for signals.

If the signal "deer" is processed to level 3, a rotting deer carcass will appear outside the front door of base hidden within a bush. Until the carcass is disposed of or fully eaten, a ghostly deer will appear each night and stalk the base. It can phase through doors and will chase and attack the player before fading away. It will also fade away if the player looks at it for too long, providing a method of evasion.