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The Frame is a machine that creates passive income over time with GPUs and Coolers. It is purchasable from the Store for 200 points. It is considered a heavy object, and can not be picked up or held, and will drag on the floor when dragged.


When plugged in, the Miner (Collective name for a Frame and its GPUs and Coolers) makes income over time based on the number of GPUs and Coolers in it. It will explode at 100% Temperature, kept down by its natural cooling rate and Coolers. The miner will make no income with no GPUs, but can make income with some GPUs and no Coolers, although at a decreased rate, and there is a risk of overheating without Coolers.


  • GPUs can be added by using Metal Scrap on it to provide a slot for the GPU, and then adding it, and Coolers can be added by simply using it on the Frame.
  • GPUs provide income over time by adding to the speed that the Frame generates points. 1 GPU is required to have any income, and this seems to increase linearly with the number of GPUs. They can be bought in the store for 200 points each.
  • Coolers are different in the fact that they produce no direct income, but both multiply the income generated by GPUs and increase the cooling rate for the miner, keeping the Temperature down. They are also unique from GPUs in that they must be crafted and can not be bought.
"A miner exploding at 100% heat."


Temperature will build over time based on the number of GPUs. It is usually very slow and in most cases will be primarily kept down by the natural cooling rate of the miner. If temperature reaches 100%, the miner will begin to catch on fire and the GPUs will individually begin to explode.


An in-game hour used in this section refers to the amount of time passed in Normal mode of the game, with default timescale, equivalent to about three real-life minutes. These are rough statistics with more testing needed.
Keep in mind that GPUs are usually additive to the income being produced, whereas Coolers are multiplicative.

  • A Frame with 1 GPU and 6 coolers (minimum GPU and maximum Cooler amount) will provide about 1.6 points per in-game hour.
  • On the other hand, a Frame with 1 GPUs and 0 coolers (minimum GPU and cooler amount) will provide about 0.5 points per hour, often not reaching above 2 points in 3 in-game hours.
  • If one were to use the maximum amount of GPUs with 0 Coolers, they should expect to get about 18 points per in-game hour. This income may be affected by the heat generated, which will build at a rate of about 38% per in-game hour, resulting in maximum temperature in about 2 and half in-game hours.
  • If one were to use the maximum amount of GPUs (16) and maximum Coolers (6), they should expect about 22 points per in-game hour.

The above stats indicate that the rate of revenue created by each GPU is about 1.1/hr per GPU at 0 coolers, multiplying to about 1.9/hr per GPU with 6 coolers, and steadily increasing as more Coolers are added between these.
Based on these stats, it is reasonable to assume that having more stuff in the miner is good, and having less stuff in the miner is not as good.