Secrets/Argemia Plushies

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Secret BlackArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Complete the ritual.

- Stonehenge

- 7 "Valid" Skulls.
- 1 Hook.
- Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Argemia.

This ritual will delete the player's 6 formerly stated argemias if done, replacing them with the black one, make sure to save before attempting this ritual.

"Valid" skulls are viewed as skulls that are naturally on the map upon loading a save, such as the skull hidden in the base's basement or around the map. Skulls used from events or spawned in via sanbox are "invalid", and do not trigger events like this.

Place 7 skulls at the center (the black stain in the middle) of Stonehenge and remove everything that is not a skull from the epicenter, [X:213, Y:541]. The skulls will begin shaking and float into the air, spinning in a circle before eventually creating a portal that will suck the player in. The player must hook themself to the ground or rock and tighten the hook to prevent themselves from being sucked in. The player must then drop the argemia plushies in whatever order they want, waiting around half of a second between dropping each one. Once the portal closes, Black Argemia will appear.

Secret BlackArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret BlueArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save.

- (X: -309, Y: 394), in the river left of the guard station past the bridge when walking towards base.

If the plush is not visible in the river, try using the zoom function, or set your FOV to default. A bug occurs with high FOV which causes it to be hidden beneath the gravel.

Secret BlueArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret CyanArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Inside the base emergency shower after detonating 12 shrimp packs with an explosion.

- 12 shrimp packs.
- An explosion.

Put exactly 12 shrimp packs inside the pool at base and then cause an explosion on top of the shrimp, such as slamming a gasoline can over it or petting an omega kerfus until it explodes. Try to keep the area clear of unrelated items.

Secret CyanArgemia Ingame UpClose.png

Gold Bar

Secret GoldBarArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Stare at a gold bar for a real-life hour.

- 1 Gold Bar.

The gold bar is a random diggable item with the lowest rates of spawning as of Pre-Alpha 0.7. The theorized odds are about 1 in 58,000 digs. Upon receiving a gold bar, the player must stare at it for a full real-life hour without looking away or suffering any sort of lag/fps spike that could cause the game to stutter and assume the player looked away.

Secret GoldBarArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret GreenArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save.

X: 239.20, Y: 828.60

This plush is located outside the fence, so you must find a way through or climb over it. The fastest way can actually be done on a new save by getting on top of a guard station pole and then jumping from there to the guard station roof and climbing up. The green argemia is at the top of the mountain, the player should ensure they store it or carefully descend or they could fall and lose it.

Secret GreenArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret MagentaArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- The Lifecrystal signal has been obtained.

- Receive the Lifecrystal signal.

The Magenta Argemia Plush is locked behind the Lifecrystal signal, a random signal with a 0.246% spawn chance that the player can receive at any point in the game.

The moment this signal is successfully pinged and appears on the downloading panel, the player can travel to the Rozital Engine (X: 634, Y: 44) west of Uniform to immediately receive the plush.

Secret MagentaArgemia Ingame UpClose.png

Nuclear Blue

Secret NuclearBlueArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save that isn't Sandbox Mode.

- No Sandbox Mode.
- A method of flying or climbing. (EX: Balloons, Hooks)

At X:872.25, Y:-793.0, visible from the ground in or outside of the restricted area near the lake.

Located high in the sky. Some methods to obtain it are to use a hook on the invisible wall to climb up, or using balloons on a chair to fly up.

Bumping it with the drone will not work. It must be grabbed by the player.

Secret NuclearBlueArgemia Ingame UpClose.png

Nuclear Cyan

Secret NuclearCyanArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save that isn't Sandbox Mode.

- No Sandbox Mode.
- A shovel.
- A digital map.
- A metal detector.

In story mode, near TR1, buried at X:-630.3, Y:189.85.

Secret NuclearCyanArgemia Ingame UpClose.png

Nuclear Pink

A visible Nuclear Pink on it's platform due to being hit by an object.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save that isn't Sandbox Mode.

- X: 35.23, Y: -37.24

- No Sandbox Mode.
- A digital map.
- An object to knock it down with.

In story mode, it is invisible, floating in the sky. It is at the same elevation as the railings of the tower.

The easiest method is to use a digital map for exact coordinates and use a remote drone to fly straight up and knock it down. Do note that anything that hits this plush will cause it to become visible so on super rare occassions, the game itself may accidentally knock it off its platform. This plush is very bouncy, so it may end up far from where it landed.

Secret NuclearPinkArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret RedArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Always live upon starting and loading a save.

- X: 625, Y: -128

Inside a crater near Uniform. You can use the donut next to it to teleport back to base.

Secret RedArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret WhiteArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Successfully complete the ritual.


Secret WhiteArgemia Ingame UpClose.png


Secret YellowArgemia Ingame.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Successfully complete the ritual.


Secret YellowArgemia Ingame UpClose.png