Secrets/Collectible Rituals

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Erie Plush (Alive)

Spawn Condition(s):


Furfur Plush

Spawn Condition(s):

Assemble 3 Furfur altar pieces by stacking them. Use the ritual knife from Lambert plushie ritual dimension to stab yourself and obtain a piece of kel meat. Place the meat piece under the altar arc and light it on fire using a lighter. The altar will start emitting red light and the Furfur plushie will appear. Altar pieces locations: 1: Laying in the cave [X:-672, Y:-564] 2: Buried [X:253.1, Y:584.4] 3: Buried, can be dug up only at 3 AM [X:391.5, Y:-383.4]


Spawn Condition(s):
- Extinguish the Green Fire.

The Green Fire appears every night at midnight and disappears at 1:00. It is always located in a random part of the Restricted Zone.

Extinguishing the Fire is dangerous: being near the Fire forces the player to walk towards it, and after extinguishing it several explosions will be set off.

In addition to the Grock, extinguishing the Fire grants the "Green Fire Begone" achievement.


Spawn Condition(s):


Lambert Plush

Spawn Condition(s):
