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Meta Paranoia?

This term should be described in detail. Not only for the average player's sake, but for editors' sake too, specially if it's going to be a column in the table. As is, it's completely unclear what the full range of values is (the max being "Full" I presume), let alone what values one may be supposed to input for each known event. --Jovg (talk) 08:11, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

hasn't had time to explain it yet because everything is majorly unfinished. --ScarlettRuby (talk)
That's perfectly fine, I was already aware when I was told about the new wiki that it was, well, new and fairly unfinished.
Back onto the topic of Meta Paranoia, I can see now that the term has been explained what was meant. I'm sure cases that don't match any of these will show up as more events are added, but for now and to allow for the list to grow and be contributed to, I'm guessing the list of possible Meta Paranoia levels could look something like this?
  • "None"
  • "No Pause"
  • "No Sleep"
  • "No Saving"
  • Combinations of the previous three (eg: "No Pause or save")
  • "Full" for all of "Pause", "Sleep" and "Save"

Though of course, I'd love to hear any thoughts you've had on this matter first. --Jovg (talk) 23:57, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

looks good to me, that's basically what i was going for. --ScarlettRuby (talk)