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Signal Signal Image Spectrogram Audio and Text Signal Size (MB) Object Type Signal Quality Signal Frequency Signal Chance Is Unique? Prices Description
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Name Left Blank No Audio Uploaded

Text left blank

Size left blank ??? ??? ??? err no 5 10 15 30 (...)


Signal Signal Image Spectrogram Audio and Text Signal Size (MB) Object Type Signal Quality Signal Frequency Signal Chance Is Unique? Prices Description
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Signal Piramid Planet.png


0.3244 object very_high very_high Story Mode No 30 30 30 30 Despite common misconception, catching this signal is not a requirement for the related Story Event.
Signal Mars Planet.png
Signal Mars Image.png
Signal Mars Spec.png


0.0798 planet low below_average 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Mercury Image.png


0.816 planet low high 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Venus Image.png


1.280 planet very_low high 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Saturn Planet.png
Signal Saturn Image.png


1.048 planet very_low low 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Wh Planet.png
Signal Wh Image.png
Signal Wh Spec.png


4.741 black_hole unknown unknown Story Mode No 5 10 15 30 The song that can be heard in the audio is the last 5 minutes of R1: Place in the World Fades Away from The Caretaker album Everywhere at the End of Time. The original cut of this song is Friends Past, Reunited, from the album A Stairway to the Stars.



0.304 unknown unknown unknown 0.308% Yes 15 15 15 15 Identical on all levels. This signal always outputs a red image.

Signal Earth 0 Planet.png


0.710 planet very_high very_high 0.369% Yes 5 10 15 30 This signal only has data on level 0, but the value increases when processed. Audio is from the Voyager Golden Record, specifically the speech by United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. The original speech can be heard here; the transcript is below.
Audio Transcript
As the Secretary-General of the United Nations, an organization of 147 member states who represents almost all of the human inhabitants of the planet Earth, I send greetings on behalf of the people of our planet. We step out of our Solar System into the Universe, seeking only peace and friendship, to teach if we are called upon, to be taught if we are fortunate. We know full well that our planet and all its inhabitants are but a small part of this immense Universe that surrounds us, and it is with humility and hope that we take this step.

Signal Earth 1 Planet.png


1.710 planet very_high very_high 0.369% Yes 5 10 15 30 The song heard in the audio is Thunderstorm by Aleksey Rybnikov, featured in the movie Per Aspera Ad Astra (screened as "Through the Thorns to the Stars" in the US).

This signal only has data on level 0, but the value increases when processed.

Signal Blackhole 0 Planet.png


1.150 black_hole very_low average 0.246% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Tamalan Planet.png

seeeeeee##e#nn#nndd#.#... ........#.#.......##..#t# ttttooooooo#...#.....#.#. #.#.#..qqqqq#qq#u#uuuuuuu #u##ue#ennn.#........#..#

1.6811 unknown very_low unknown 0.308% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Jupiter Planet.png
Signal Jupiter Image.png


1.0321 gas_giant low low 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)

Signal Uranus Planet.png
Signal Uranus Image.png


1.2246 gas_giant low below_average 1.230% No 5 10 15 30 (...)