Wiki Guidelines/File Names

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This style-guide will teach you how to properly name files before you upload them.


Characters Images

Images with characters as the main focus follow this format: (Characters)_(Image Type)_(Secondary Details)_(Model Version)
Multiple characters in one image is sorted in alphabetized order.

Image Types
Render - Used for when the image is a 3d-model, posed by a developer.
Art - Used for art, can range from simple doodles to full body drawings by a developer.
ConceptArt - Used for concept art, drawn by a developer.
Ingame - Used for screenshots taken ingame, by a player or wiki editor.
Secondary Details

These should only be the most imporant details, or what type of Art it is.

Model Version

Model version, if known, should be labeled with a lowercase v.


Characters Image Type Secondary Details Model Version Result
Kel Ingame Crouching v1 Kel_Ingame_Crouching_v1
Kel Art Crowbar [None] Kel_Art_Crowbar
Kel Render Holding a Flashlight and Compass v3 Kel_Render_Flashlight_and_Compass_v3
Ena Art Full Body [None] Ena_Art_Fullbody.png
Ena Kel Art Eating Roaches [None] EnaKel_Art_EatingRoaches
All ASO Scientists Concept Art Headshots of each character [None] ASO_Scientists_ConceptArt_Headshot

Character Audio

Audio tied to character follow this format: (Characters)_Audio_(Secondary Details)


Make sure to use to compress the images to reduce file size.

Items Images

Images with items as the main focus follow this format: Item_(Item Name)_(Image Type)_(Secondary Details)

Image Types
Render - Used for when a item is rendered and made transparent, either by a wiki editor or developer.
Ingame - Used for when a item is taken via an ingame screenshot.
Secondary Details

These should only be the state the item is in, if not the default state.


Item Name Image Type Secondary Details Result
Trash Bag Ingame Filled Item_Trashbag_Ingame_Filled
MRE Render [None] Item_MRE_Render
Wooden Scrap Ingame [None] Item_WoodenScrap_Ingame

Item Audio

Audio tied to items follow this format: Item_(Item Name)_Audio_(Secondary Details)


Event Images

Images with events as the main focus follow this format: Event_(Event Name)_(Secondary Details)

Secondary Details

These should only be used if there something worthnoting


Event Name Secondary Details Result
Bad Sun [None] Event_BadSun
Brownie Trail End of Trail Event_BrownieTrail_EndTrail

Event Audio

Audio tied to events follow this format: Event_(Event Name)_Audio_(Secondary Details)


Signal Planet Images

Images of the preview, aka the "planet" follow this format: Signal_(Signal Glossary Name)_Planet

Signal Spectrogram Images

Images of the spectrogram are uploaded in this format: Signal_(Signal Glossary Name)_Spec

Signal "Audio Image" Image

Images of the "Audio Image" are uploaded in this format: Signal_(Signal Glossary Name)_Image_lv(Level)

Only add the lv(Level) if needed, aka multiple different versions of the signal's "Audio Image" exists.
lv0 = Level 0, lv1 = Level 1, and so forth.

Signal Audio

Images of the "Audio Image" are uploaded in this format: Signal_(Signal Glossary Name)_Audio_lv(Level)

Only add the lv(Level) if needed, aka multiple different versions of the signal's audio exists.
lv0 = Level 0, lv1 = Level 1, and so forth.

Signal Events

Anything relating to a signal's event, if one is tied to it, falls under the event category, and not the signal.


Wiki Images

Images for use on the wiki, such as the main page or used for stuff such as frames or backgrounds *should* follow this format: (Name)
Yep, just that simple. Just give it a decent name, please.


  • If it's a background, name it Background_Name.
  • If it's a logo, Name it Logo_Name