Argemia Armuntela

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Argemia Armuntela is the leader of the Talls Ariral society. She is the objective "best" Ariral in the Talls society. Her reputation as the "best" is known due to the Arirals' way of choosing leaders.


  • Argemia is a Germale with red hair that's usually depicted in a ponytail.
  • Argemia typically wears a lab-coat-esque garment.


  • She's an overall amiable being and tends to seek diplomatic relationships where possible.
  • Argemia is canonically the kindest, smartest, and overall most loving Ariral out of the whole Talls' society.
  • Argemia likes humans and wants to help them become better as a society.


  • Argemia plans on saving the Shorts from their life under the rule of a brutal dictatorship, but she's being blackmailed by the Shorts' leaders, which slows down or prevents progress on this goal.
  • Argemia is fluent in English and is highly capable of human speech. She plans on helping the human race by slowly drugging their water with intelligence-boosting substances which will raise the average IQ of the human population and make them less violent.