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Ariral - cat-like alien humanoids. Ariral is pronounced “Ah-ree-ral".


Arirals are a production of Eternity Dev/MrDrNose

Note: This information is highly likely to change depending on future events. Nothing here is 100% certain or set in stone.

Ariral Planet

Solar System

The Ariral home planet is located between two stars that orbit each other. Therefore, it is categorized as a circumbinary planet.

Atmosphere, Temperature, and Seasons

Nights on the Ariral planet are two times the length of Earth's nighttimes.The Ariral home planet's atmosphere contains much more oxygen than Earth's atmosphere. There are also major differences in pollution depending on which location on the planet you are in. The Talls' society is pristine and clean, and the Shorts' society is infamously polluted and unhealthy. Earth has a slightly lower temperature than the Ariral home planet, which averages 86 °F to 104 °F (30 °C to 40 °C). During the winter, the temperature on the Ariral home planet falls to ~68 °F (20 °C) and in the summer it rises to ~113 °F (45 °C). There's a lot of information missing about season changes. However, we do know that winter and the colder seasons can only occur near the poles located in the middle of the planet.


The vast majority of plants on the Ariral home planet are green and appear similar to Earth's flora, but there are isolated locations with red plants that are more stereotypically alien. The vast majority of information on Ariral-cultivated plants is missing, but the community does have information on two - "A plant that holds grains like rice (name unknown)" and Bryn. The Arirals use the rice-like grain plant to produce a sticky, sweetened bread. Bryn Fruit is a melon-sized purple fruit with an orange, fleshy interior. Bryn Fruit smells "odd" and tastes like a mix of apples and pumpkins.


Most Ariral wildlife is highly aggressive. Most animals are also physically larger than Earth's animals. There is only one confirmed species as of current - Blue Shrimp. Blue Shrimps have four eyes and are much larger in size. They are as common as Earth's chickens. Ariral animal eyes are said to be "more soulless and aggressive".


The majority of Ariral bacteria and viruses have no effect on humans due to how different they are from Earth diseases, but some of them can be extremely harmful.

Magic and Anomalies

The Ariral home planet has very few anomalies or instances of magic. There's one known major anomaly that occurs in Talls' territory: a giant, empty field of grass with seemingly no life or movement within. This field is perfectly round, and all attempts to observe the center have failed, with tools such as cameras and telescopes malfunctioning. The only way to find out what’s inside is to walk into the field. However, adventurers eventually become overcome with irrational fear and feel the compulsion to leave after ~100 meters. It is unknown if there are any major anomalies in the Shorts' territory, but, if there are any anomalies in Short territory, they would most likely be covered up by the local government.

Ariral Biology



Arirals are cat-like alien humanoids with six breasts and six fingers per hand, along with a small divide in their ears. The Ariral species has three sexes: male, female, and hermale/germale. One identification tactic for an Ariral's sex would be the Ariral's head shape: female heads are generally more square, male heads are round, germales have pointy, angular heads. A notable example of a germale would be Argemia. Arirals are capable of running at speeds of up to 31-56 mph. Their average reaction time ranges from 50-100 milliseconds and they have an average IQ of 180-200. Arirals become exhausted quickly in comparison to humans. Arirals do not urinate or defecate, but they do lay ostrich sized eggs that are squishy and harden monthly. Society has no stigma related to egg-laying, as they believe it's perfectly natural.

Fur and hair

Arirals have no fur, and only have hair on their head and eyebrows. Depending on genetics, they sometimes have a small patch of hair/fur on the tip of their tail. Ariral hair is smooth and heavy. Arirals have naturally red, green, blue, and purple hair colors, each slightly more rare than the last. An exceedingly rare genetic mutation can cause natural black or white hair. It is possible for two hair colors to mix into a combination, but this is even rarer than black or white.


Arirals are capable of seeing infrared light. Arirals have green, light blue, dark blue, yellow, red, purple, and even black irises, each more rare than the last.


Most Arirals either have very thin lips or no lips at all. Their teeth regrow every 10-15 years, with fangs taking the full 15 years to grow. Their tongues are very long (up to 40 cm) and are mostly used to lick their own eyeballs to moisturize them. Ariral tongues are super flexible and will flatten when relaxed, which allows them to talk. Their tongues are much smoother than a human's and they produce much more saliva. Ariral saliva contains much stronger enzymes than human saliva, to the point where raw potatoes are sweetened by the pure acids in their saliva.


Ariral skin is incredibly durable and is as dense as rubber, though it bleeds easily. Ariral skin feels very soft and fragile. Biting on Ariral skin is comparable to "chewing on a tire". Ariral skin has a metallic smell that is comparable to wet metal coins. Due to their thick skin, Arirals do not produce a red tinge while blushing. Instead, their ears go back, their eyes widen, and their whiskers begin to shake. The skin becomes lighter in hue in response to sun exposure, because it develops a thicker protective layer as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light. An Ariral's body temperature is much lower than a human's, and they also have no shiver reaction, meaning they can get much colder much faster than humans without noticing how far their temperature has dropped. However, they have adaptations which allow survival for extended periods of time while frozen. Despite the fact that this is a natural process for Arirals, it can be extremely painful. Arirals have incredibly durable "toe beans", and that allows them to walk through broken glass with ease.


Arirals have more powerful lungs than a human, though they are also much more sensitive due to being accustomed to clean air. It’s possible that Shorts’ lungs are much more resilient. Their blood is bright red with a very subtle orange tint. Arirals have poisonous blood which is so potent that even a few drops is enough to make a human sick. Consuming Ariral flesh would easily be enough for a fatal dose. A spoonful would cause "explosive diarrhea". Arirals also have poisonous sweat that causes several negative effects. If a human came into contact with Ariral sweat, they would most likely feel headaches, nausea, and frightening hallucinations. It would take a few minutes in a gym to gather enough Ariral sweat to cause hallucinations. Humans can become acclimated to the sweat, or take antidotes or vaccines to prevent the negative effect it comes with. Arirals can produce antibodies to this sweat in their milk.

Immune System

Arirals have a specific section of their DNA reserved for storing immunological information, allowing for hereditary resistance to bacteria and disease. Arirals also have an incredibly strong immune system, as they are unable to get very sick from terran contagion. However, some Ariral diseases would affect a human very severely. There are Ariral-based bacteria that are dangerous to humans, unless the human takes a vaccine. An Ariral's powerful immune system is capable of destroying any internal parasites on its own. However, fungal spores (such as mold) can still cause trouble. In terms of what they can ingest, Arirals are very resilient to poisons, venoms, and allergies. Environmental hazards such as acidic gases or asbestos can still hurt them, though. Arirals are weak against cold temperatures and radiation, and have about the same probability of getting cancer as humans.


Old Arirals are still relatively strong compared to younger Arirals, making life at their advanced age less painful.

Without late-stage medical care, the organs of an elderly Ariral will begin to wither away. Death caused by old age begins with the brain entering a comatose state, followed by organs withering away, and eventually death. The brain can potentially recover from this state if it is moved to a healthy body, however the amount of damage done to the brain will greatly affect the likelihood of recovery.

Talls and Shorts

Talls are commonly 7' 2 to 8' 5, but Shorts can be as small as 5' 9. Talls are 250 cm on average, and Shorts are 190 cm on average. Improvements to diet and mental health can cause a Short to become Tall over time. Talls are about 8-9 times stronger than a human, and the Shorts are about 2 times stronger, meaning they could definitely pry the bars on the windows open if they wanted to. Talls live for around 200 years, whereas Shorts live to around 90 years old.


Arirals do not possess the "cucumber reflex", mainly because snakes were never a threat for them evolutionarily. They have a weird fascination with circles and spheres, and their psychology generally causes them to become them happy and relaxed while looking at one. Arirals may be uncomfortable around mushrooms, mainly because of the aforementioned vulnerability to fungal spores. Arirals love the rain, and also like the appearance of snow, but dislike touching it with their bare hands. This leads to the obvious conclusion that Arirals have snowball fights in suits. Arirals love water and being clean, so they shower at least once a day. They prefer body temperature or slightly colder water. Arirals enjoy headpats. Arirals don't usually have pets. However, they do like plants. This includes genetically-modified humanoid plant pets. Arirals hate birds because of evolutionary reasons, and will react like a human with a bug on them if a bird touches them. This does not stop arirals from eating birds, though.

Arirals are known to be quite the pranksters, especially towards Dr. Kel.

Arirals do not have a religion.

Ancient Arirals

Feral arirals are massive, aggressive and about 3-4 times stronger than modern Arirals.

Ariral Technology and Lifestyle


Their way of laughing through text is "ack". Arirals say "fuck" often. Compared to a human, the Ariral accent sounds like a mix of strong Russian, Greek, Scottish, Italian and a bit of German. Arirals pronounce "R" with a sharp sound, and their language has no silent letters. They end almost every word with “-a” when speaking. Their syllables consist of one vowel and one consonant, like “AP” or “TU.” “Apple” would be “Appule", and pronounced "App-ooule". Arirals can make growling, chirping, and squeaking sounds. With enough practice, they can also mimic other sounds. Arirals seem to use Arabic numerals the same way we do. How they discovered Arabic numerals is unknown. Arirals have far less diversity in their languages than humans. Talls have a multi-purpose universal language that everyone knows. Both Talls and Shorts can have various accents.


The average Ariral diet consists of seafood, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and mushrooms. Arirals have 4 tiers of food that can be purchased:

  • "Staple Foods" that are available for free such as water, some types of vegetables, fruits, wheat and some types of tumor meat (which seems to be lab grown and mass produced). The "Staple Foods" are usually the cheapest foods available, but still offer some good nutritional value.
  • "Common Food" is the sort of thing that you would see stocked in grocery stores for sale, such as more expensive tumor meat and its products, large portions of fruits, veggies, seafoods, or slightly rarer fruits. These are paid foods, but are still relatively cheap.
  • "Exotic Foods" are products that are either difficult to cultivate or products which have low demand. The "Exotic Foods" category would be the type of food expected from an expensive restaurant or something cooked by professional chef like Gordon Ramsay. As expected, they are more expensive than the aforementioned tiers.
  • "Self-Made Foods" are pretty self explanatory. They're food products that can only be obtained if an Ariral chooses to cultivate a certain plant or raise a certain animal for the purpose of making it into food. This category would include things such as a grandmother's cookies, a neighbor's fruit pie, or other common foods seen in household celebrations such as a thanksgiving turkey or custom cake.

Out of all of the options available to Arirals, shrimp is their favorite food. To them, it's the greatest delicacy in the universe. Other known Ariral cuisine includes a large fried grub that looks like a croissant, ants, mushrooms, frogs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cheese, sticky cake, buns, and their planet’s unique and naturally occuring foods. As for drinks, Arirals are known to consume milk, juices, hot chocolate, and slightly spicy tea. Arirals dislike chewy or hard meat, like beef. Out of all meat available on Earth, Arirals like chicken the most. Arirals can eat almost anything, including bark, grass, bones, and wood, but they only do so if they’re desperate. Asking an ariral for some of their local cheese would be the worst mistake of your life, for some reason. Arirals require a large amount of sugar to maintain "normal" levels, and will gnaw on pure sugar when needed. In contrast to humans, they can handle a comparatively high amount of sugar, and greatly enjoy sweets, as well. Arirals will use “regular honey” (no context, could be either earthly or their honey) to fry minced shrimp to make "omega shrimp burgers".


The most common table setting includes three-pronged forks, sporks, spoons, and tongs. They are also seen to use spoons in-game. Not much else is known about Ariral silverware.


Talls are commonly shown wearing clothes, though this is usually limited to pants or a light lab coat-like garment. Talls have been shown to have a sense of fashion, such as wearing light dresses. Arirals with long hair usually put their hair into a ponytail, bowtie, other tails, buns, or a fountain. Arirals with short hair would mostly go with a caret. Arirals do not pierce their skin. However, they may use clip-on adornments as a replacement for things like earrings.


Talls' have suits of armor that are made of Indis. Indis is a non-hadron super metal that is nearly indestructible, has zero friction, zero electrical and thermal conductivity, and is 100% reflective. Their suits generally cover the whole body with removable headpieces such as night-vision goggles. Indis suits will keep them warm because of the metal's zero-thermal-conductivity properties. Indis suits look somewhat similar to the HEV suit from Half-Life, though they're usually all black or highlighted with white. The suits grant the wearer invisibility because the light hits the suit and gets super polarized, which goes through the body, hits the opposite side of the suit, and goes back to normal. Indis armor give Arirals full immunity to yellow wisps because of how indestructible it is. Shorts wear hazmat suits. The Talls protection suits seen in VotV are fully enclosed, allowing them to protect against certain types of cognito-hazards. To mitigate the problem of no direct sight line, the suits use alternative vision systems such as cameras.


Arirals curl up and sleep on round cushions. They are known to hog mattress space.


Arirals have a toy model of their spaceships, and enjoy picnics. Some Arirals vape, but instead of inhaling chemicals they just inhale plain vapor and spit out clouds. Spinning fruit is apparently the peak of ariral humor. Ariral internet humor also “has fard.” Arirals play with balls and sticks, and also a cow head for some reason. Arirals do not enjoy playing with lasers like a cat does. Arirals can synthesize artificial hormones which have a similar effect to catnip.


Arirals hunt shrimp in water with their bare hands, and the person who collects the most shrimp wins. It is unknown what this sport is titled. Not much else is known of Ariral sports at this time.


Arirals prefer electronic, choir, and soft ambience. Tall ones enjoy classical as well, while Shorts prefer dark synth, phonk, darker ambient, etc. Their taste in music could be influenced by their environment and living conditions as either a Tall or a Short.

Individual Technology:

In VotV, there is a small container hidden in the campfire. This is a cooking box where you can put food in and have it cook. They use it because they wanted a more authentic camping experience on Earth. Arirals synthesize things like milk and other ingredients using plants. Arirals also plan to use genetically modified plants to grow super-powerful electronics. Arirals also tend to manipulate the genetics of normal plants to change their fruit's structure, taste, color, and tweak other properties to their liking. Arirals want to make humanoid plants using plant-based muscles. Ariral plant boys will be real in ~10 years. It is unknown if Arirals see them as pets or equal to Arirals. Talls have machines which are able to deconstruct & rebuild materials placed inside of an input feed, similar to the fabricator in Subnautica. Talls have devices on the borders that repel polluted air from the Shorts' nation. The difference in air quality is easily visible both on land and from space. Arirals have a social trend for transparent and colorful/clear electronics, like the fascination that humans had in the early 2000s. Arirals like robots quite a lot, and have heavily regulated AI. Kerfus would be allowed under their regulations. Gold is commonly used as a decorative material, due to its abundance on the ariral home planet.


Arirals have gluton weaponry, such as pistols, rifles, and other exotic types(?). Arirals are also experimenting with other types of weaponry, although not much is known about prototype weapons at the moment. Arirals use androids for military purposes, but also for regular labor. The size of the android most likely depends on its job. Arirals also use bioweapons, organic weapons, and vacuum weapons. In VotV, a rounded ovular gun can be found, which fires powerful bolts that can move objects with the shockwave.


Ariral spaceships are called "Warp Arrows," which are long tetrahedrons. All Warp Arrows seen in VotV are rented from the Tall’s government. No Earth technology can destroy a Warp Arrow. Warp arrows are able to be damaged by gravitational distortion, such as with a black hole. It is unknown if this would fully destroy them, though, which implies that they are made of an incredibly advanced material. Renting a Warp Arrow has a reasonable cost. Warp Arrows have the ability to activate a "warp shield", which makes a ship completely invisible and totally intangible.


Arirals are aware of wormholes and possibly utilized them to travel vast distances to reach earth. Arirals are exprimenting with wormhole technology.


Indis is an exotic non-hadron material produced in highly complicated “interferon” colliders. Indis cannot be physically penetrated and it repels all forms of radiation and emissions excluding gravity. Indis may not be able to protect against psychological attacks. However, there are other methods to counter psychological warfare.

Relationship With Humans

Humans are one of the only "aliens" that arirals have found and regularly communicate with. The other "alien" species that Arirals are aware of is the Rozitals. Since Arirals are much stronger than humans, what seems like a simple push to them will feel like a full-force throw to a human. The Arirals don't actually want to harm Dr. Kel, but they're not great at controlling their own physical strength and end up tossing him around as a result. They have accessed the internet, and know about the fucked up shit we do on it. Arirals hold no hate towards specific humans, and will not attack unless provoked. You can chill out with an Ariral and it will just be cautious about you without doing anything. You would need a vaccine to get close to an Ariral because of alien bacteria and their toxic sweat. Argemia plans to help humans slowly by adding a chemical component into the water that pacifies and increases the intelligence of any human who drinks it, and then taking over. Arirals think human meat is tastier than beef, but still not great. Tall Arirals get a fine if they harm a human.

Relationship With Other Earth Things:

The first fruit Arirals found on earth was a rotting walnut peel, and now they associate Earth with that smell.


Multiple life-extending procedures have been detailed by Mr.Dr.Nose, as shown below:

  • A potentially repeatable medical procedure involves injecting the patient with stem cells which will “refresh” the body over time, giving the patient stronger cells, along with more energy and resources.
  • A different medical procedure involves using nanomachines to deal with various cancers and creutzfeldt-jakob disease.
  • A potentially permanent life-extending procedure involves modifying the Ariral’s DNA to remove the specific section related to organs withering away from old age.

Arirals have different levels of crime. They separate crimes by 8 levels. Level 1 is harmless stuff, like lying. Level 2 is minor theft, like stealing a chocolate bar. Level 8 would be extremely severe things such as murders or war crimes.

Ariral Society

World Leaders:

The Talls elect leaders by simply choosing the smartest, kindest, and overall best Ariral. The current leader of the Talls is Argemia Armuntela. Talls do not have a specific gender that rules, but Shorts still retain some parts of an old matriarchy.


The two castes are split based on location, where Shorts live in a dystopia and Talls live in a utopia. Talls primarily live in the subtropical and temperate zones of their planet, while Shorts primarily live near the poles and equator. There are 1 billion Talls and 8 billion Shorts, for a total of 9 billion arirals. The reason for their height difference is because of the poor living conditions that Shorts have that make them grow up to be much shorter.

  • Shorts who move to Tall society are known as Former Shorts, and they can become Tall over time, both physically and socially.
  • The reason for their separation is because of the Shorts' government, and not due to any bigoted segregation. Their biological differences are caused by wherever they live, not the other way around.

The Shorts division behaves mostly like human society, with lots of countries, leaders, and (Dubiously Canon) “probably a shadow government.” The Talls division could be visualized by a pyramid that ends with Argemia and a senate.

Culture And Life:

Ariral culture was nearly fully erased because of past rulers in a pursuit of more workers. Talls use digital currency while Shorts use a mix between digital, physical, and (Dubiously Canon) cocaine. Arirals don't generally use pronouns, but instead go by their full name or nickname. However, pronouns may be used to refer to them for the sake of convenience.


The Talls' architecture is "clean and smooth", while the Shorts' architecture is more "brutalist" and cyberpunk-themed. Paradoxically, Talls usually have very short buildings despite their physical height. The Talls' utopia has free housing systems, where someone is allowed to live in a spheroid apartment building that is connected to a large central cylinder. As MrDrNose put it, these housing facilities are akin to “corn cobs filled with students and young adults”.


The Ariral calendar has weeks which are 12 days long. Argemia's birthday is a celebration that spans a whole week. Arirals also have a form of New Year's celebrations.


Ariral children live in a separate place with a separate internet. Juvenile Arirals reach adulthood at age ~12. Most Arirals do not have children. Arirals need a parenting license to have a child. They have a birth name, but when they mature they get to choose an adult name. Arirals have hatcheries/birth houses, where they incubate eggs. Ariral newborns have bulging eyes and semi transparent skin, and they start off skinny because they spend a majority of resources on brain development. They are surprisingly agile.


Genetic modification is only used to remove genetic defects and mutations, as well as slight body modifications. However, it was used for other things a long time ago. An example of this would be hair color, though it takes about a year to be visible. Arirals no longer need glasses because of how advanced their medicine is. So far, only Argemia Armuntela has gotten a procedure to completely stop aging. Catnip does not affect arirals. As mentioned above in the "Entertainment" section, Arirals are capable of artificially synthesizing a substance similar to catnip. Arirals are susceptible to prions and these are the most difficult diseases to cure, requiring exotic methods such as editing brain proteins.

Morals And Laws:

Arirals despise theft, and would most likely "eat a seagull on the spot" if one stole their food. Invasion with a rented Warp Arrow is a 1-2k USD fine in the worst case scenario.


The Talls' education is described as “actually working”, which implies that any educational system on the short’s side of the planet is probably flawed.

  • Either that, or it's meant to be a comparison to Earth's education system(s).

The Talls Utopia has a somewhat similar education system to those found on earth, with primary schools for youth that teach basic necessities such as math. Higher education such as universities exist which allow Arirals to study subjects they are interested in.


Companies in the Talls Utopia are controlled by the government so that they cannot go against the will of the public. However, they still have some level of autonomy. Not much else is known about the Ariral economy. However, the existence of different companies implies the existence of job openings.

  • These openings might be filled by Arirals themselves, or by their android workers.

Dubiously Canon

Note: The information contained in this section is mostly unconfirmed and might be inaccurate. Take it with a grain of salt.

  • Arirals have their own folklore. The brutality of the stories depends on time period.
    • It is supposedly banned to tell children the more extreme fairy tales.
  • Arirals are not aware of the Antibreather, a being which will be a jumpscare so bad it scares the alien Jesus out of them.
  • Arirals are aware of the yellow wisps and the tree-house Arirals specifically hid from the wisps when they showed up.
  • Arirals disapprove of Earth’s stereotypical depiction of aliens, and it makes them more cautious around humans.
  • According to one seemingly comedic tweet from the Ariral Facts twitter account, Arirals think humans are "cruel".
  • Dr. Kel is :untitled:% Ariral. The emoji is an image of a fat Rufus, and is often referred to as “fat fuck” or “gold eater.”
    • A theory from Discord member “cleebus” states that Kel is 79% ariral, as gold is the 79th element.
    • This would explain why he is able to survive aforementioned beatings from Arirals.
  • There are around 10 arirals in the official Discord. There are at least four known Arirals, two of them being users and the other two disguised as bots. (I am literally joking. This is not canon at all. You should straight up not believe this.)
  • Warp Arrows can be controlled manually or as a drone. They are equipped with various amounts of weapons and other technology.
  • Arirals have quick, hovering vehicles like scouts, but they are not used much because of Warp Arrows and androids.
  • For entertainment, a bunch of Arirals will occasionally gather around a perfectly round silicone sphere and just look at it for hours.
  • Arirals add water to shrimp dust to create shrimp paste. They occasionally put this paste on buns for breakfast.
  • If Arirals were bugs, they would eat themselves.
    • It's unknown if this means that they would become cannibals or autocannibals.
  • In an old screenshot of Voices of the Void from MrDrNose's account, a pizza is shown next to shrimp packages where several Argemia plushies are hanging out.
    • This could lead to the conclusion that Arirals have a culinary appreciation for pizza, just like humans.
  • It is somewhat rare for a Tall to know older Ariral languages.
  • Shorts might have a universal language, but this is unconfirmed as of yet.
  • The basis of the ancient Ariral religion was that everything in the universe is a sphere and everything is moving towards a sphere.
    • An ancient Ariral holy artifact was a hammer-like ankh-esque item with a ball on top of it.
    • The ancient Ariral God was supposedly a giant sphere.
  • Arirals associate the colors of a typical RGB gaming setup with nature and goodness, black with darkness and evil, blue with rarity, orange with danger, and yellow with uncleanliness.
  • Arirals have no concept of mutual respect.