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Not to be confused with The White Door or The Exit Door Entities, nor the Meat Room door in the Basement of the Base.
Door Base.jpeg

Doors are objects in the game that block movement when closed, and allow movement through when opened. This is similar to doors, objects in the real world which serve a similar purpose.


Doors on company buildings, such as the Base and the Satellites, are silver metal double doors which slide outward to each side when opening. The doors have small ventilation slits on the bottom, and large yellow "CAUTION" signs with a circular icon, with some small, unreadable text underneath.


Doors in Voices of the Void are acted upon using the Interact button, which will open them if they are currently closed, and closes them if they are currently open. Opening and closing will cause a fizzling sound to play as the door slides. Doors will usually close automatically after a few seconds of being opened, with exceptions.

A door, but open.

The door takes 1 second to fully open after being triggered, takes 5 more seconds to automatically begin closing, and then takes 1 second to fully close, resulting in a 7 second period required for a door to automatically close fully after being triggered. Results may vary with lag.
This automatic closing mechanism does not trigger when there are nearby objects that may obstruct it, however these objects do not necessarily have to actually block the door. It appears that any prop other than Trash piles, elevated high enough from the ground, within a few inches of the door, will keep it closed. This is notable if hanging glowsticks on the edges of a door, as this will often keep them open, but still closable by the player.


Doors appear at the front door and entrances to every room of the Alpha Root Base, the balcony of the Base from the bedroom, the Bunker outside of the Base, and satellite dishes Alpha through Yankee.