Entities/Anomalous Entities

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Anomalous Entities are creatures which seem to be out of place in Voices of the Void's "reality". They generally have unknown characteristics and origins, and tend to be enigmatic in nature. Most of the "Anomalies" relations to other in-game factions are unknown.

Anomalous Entities


Prying Eyes

Entity PryingEyes.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- During the Black Fog Event.
- Random chance during the night.

White eyes that watch from afar and circle around the player's location.


Entity Mannequin.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Scattered around the map. 
- Purchased from the Shop for 50 points.

A completely normal wooden mannequin. Starting off as posed mannequins on stands, eventually the mannequins will disappear, leaving their stands behind. They then return to stalk the player, moving whenever they aren't looked at. They can be destroyed via hitting them with an object, slamming them against things, or putting them in the woodchipper. Alternatively, they can be set on fire, causing them to endlessly run at the player and attack them until they are destroyed.

Rorscach Test

Spawn Condition(s):
- Unknown, seemingly random chance.



Entity Tannuel.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Spawns upon load, roams the map, only visible via digital camera pictures.

A strange brown pine-cone resembling forest spirit that floats around in an A-pose. It floats around the map and can only be physically seen via capturing it in digital camera photos. Emits a L4 EMF signal when nearby. Weirdly enough, Tannuel can "crash" into wall builder creations and break them.

Telephone Booth

Entity TelephoneBooth.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Unconfirmed, seems to be random chance.

A misplaced telephone booth. It supposedly belongs to ASO and a company named "ALP FONE", offering "24/7 SERVICE". Its interior and exterior are covered in trash, dirt and white scribbles. The booth can not be entered.

The inside of the booth contains tally marks, a crosshair, a crude drawing of a creature resembling an Ariral, and the text "Bao is a prick." Two other drawings are present but have yet to be deciphered.

The booth emits a white light and a red radar signature.

The White Door

Entity WhiteDoor.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A closed white door that sometimes opens, revealing a strange black, white, and gray hallway leading to a white light in the distance. It slams shut if the player get too close while it's open. Attempting to view it through remote cameras or throwing items near it also causes it to close.

Walking Tree

Entity WalkingTree.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A tree that moves whenever it isn't looked at directly.


Entity Wolfgang.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Place a pumpkin in front of the cave during the day. 
- Random chance to leave the cave.

A giant cave-dwelling centipede that enjoys pumpkins. The radar counts his 30 body segments as individual entities.

Zombie Deer

Entity ZombieDeer.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Process the deer Signal to Level 3.

A bloody, decaying reanimated deer. They are locked behind the "deer" signal; when it is processed to Level 3, a rotting deer carcass will appear outside the front door of base hidden within a bush. Until the carcass is disposed of or fully eaten, a ghostly deer will appear each night and stalk the base. It can phase through doors and will chase and attack the player before fading away. It will also fade away if the player looks at it for too long, providing a method of evasion.


Wisps have many different colored variants with strange abilities such as teleporting the player, reversing time, or mirroring the player's view point on contact.

Black Wisp

Entity BlackWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Black wisps have average speed and will chase the player after spotting the player. Their intended behavior is to teleport the player to a random location on contact; however this is currently bugged and will simply cause the game to go fully black with a stone texture overlaid the screen. The only way to undo this effect is to close the game entirely.

Blue Wisp

Entity BlueWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Blue wisps are slow, wandering balls of burning blue fire which will burn the player on contact. They will not chase the player and seem to wander aimlessly.

Green Wisp

Entity GreenWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Upon locating the player, green wisps will chase the player down at extremely high speeds. On contact with a green wisp, the player will be teleported to a random location on the map with no apparent side effects.

Orange Wisp

Entity OrangeWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Orange wisps have average speed and will chase the player after spotting the player. Upon contact with an orange wisp, the player will be teleported to a location near the base and the "Mirror Mode" setting will be enabled. The player have to turn off Mirror Mode themselves.

Pink Wisp

Entity PinkWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Story Mode: Day 15 at 20:00, many spawn on the outer ring of the map.
- Random chance.

Harmless and passive. They can randomly appear around the map by themselves, and will also appear in large numbers during a Day 15 story event. They will fade away if approached by the player.

Purple Wisp

Entity PurpleWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

They have average speed and will chase the player around after spotting the player. On contact with a purple wisp, time will be reversed for a short period.

Red Wisp

Entity RedWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Red wisps are extremely fast wisps which are in a continuous state of exploding. They has possess the unique ability to jump over things, such as the metal fences.

White Wisp

Entity WhiteWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

White wisps will chase the player after spotting the player. On contact with a white wisp, a loud blaring sound effect will play and the screen will warp as the color saturation rises quickly. During the distortion effects, the game will save and intentionally quit to desktop. Upon reloading the save, the player will be standing exactly where they were before the wisp interaction and a pile of bones with a skull be placed at the player's feet.

Yellow Wisp

Entity YellowWisp.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Story Mode: Days 29~35, they spawn at night and roam around the map.
- Solar Mode: they spawn every night.

Also known as "Killer Wisps", they are extremely aggressive and spawn exclusively during a story mode event and the solar gamemode. After story mode's Obelisk Event, yellow wisps will spawn and roam the map at night. They will continue this pattern until the Pyramid Event happens, whereupon they stop spawning. They will attack and kill the player if they are in line of sight of the wisp, via ripping off their limbs one by one. They will unlock door locks via short-circuiting the lock if they get close or are currently chasing the player.


Entities that lack a conventional physical form and usually disappear or reappear based on specific circumstances.

Hallucination Burger

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance nearby once the player's food is below 20 points.

Appears exactly the same as a burger, but if interacted with it will quickly fade out with a sound effect. It is not visible through cameras.

The Insomniac

Entity Insomniac.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Spawns once the player's stamina is below 20 points.

A large, dark, and skinny humanoid figure. It will force the player to look at it, and if the player stays below 20 stamina for long periods of time, it will become active and hunt down the player to force them to sleep.