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Spoilers: lists of every event ingame


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Events are a primary game mechanic in Voices Of The Void which serve to give the player some insight into what is happening in the game world around them. They can be triggered through multiple means, either by chance, player action, or time progressing; For example, some events are guaranteed to occur on certain days in the story mode.

Player-Activated Events

For more information, see Events/Activated.

These events differ from random events in that they are directly triggered by the player's actions. These events will not occur randomly, but may happen by what seems to be random chance due to their specific nature.

03:33 AM Events

For more information, see Events/3:33 AM.

3:33 AM events are triggered by a player doing something or being somewhere at exactly 3:33. This time is generally considered to be an "unholy" in which paranormal activity is at the highest.

Ariral Reputation Events

For more information, see Events/Ariral Reputation.

These events are based off the player's reputation with the campsite Arirals. The player can raise their reputation status by gifting the Arirals presents such as food, or lower it by taking their things or throwing explosives at their treehouse.

Events happen more commonly in every tier other than Normal, so it is recommended the player at least reach good or inconvenient for the sake of more frequent events.

Console-Commands Events

For more information, see Events/Console-Commands.

"The Funny" setting must be enabled for these events to work. These events are then triggered after typing a specific command into the Console.


For more information, see Events/Dreams.

Dreams occur randomly at low stamina or when sleeping. When completing the requirement of a dream, the player will wake up with a boost to their hunger and/or stamina; otherwise, they will lose stamina. When a dream ends, the player will be launched out of the bed, or wherever they happen to be sleeping. With high Ariral reputation, you may also find shrimp when you wake up.

Ritual Events

For more information, see Events/Rituals.
For the steps on how to do the rituals, see Secrets.

These events are triggered by the player performing multiple steps ala a real-life ritual. Usually involving convoltued and complex behavior such as taking things to a specific place or search the map for a specific number of items. These are generally the longest events in the game and require time and patience.

Signal Events

For more information, see Events/Signals.

These events are activated by downloading, playing, or processing a signal. Every event within this page is unrelated to forced story mode signals. Some of these signals require "The Funny" toggle to be on.

Random Events

For more information, see Events/Random.

These events occur randomly at any time of day, with little to no player involvement. Some are genuinely random; others can be somewhat influenced by the player but these mainly will be caused by complete random chance to the unaware player.

Real Life Time Events

For more information, see Events/Real-Life Time.

These events are triggered whenever the player's computer is set to a specific time and date.

Story Mode Events

For more general story-mode information, see Story Mode.
For more only information on events, see Events/Story Mode.

Story mode events are guaranteed to occur as long as the player is in a story mode save and has reached a certain in-game day. While most story mode events are functionally unmissable, there are a few events that can be missed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If the player wants to experience specific events, it is recommended they look up the conditions for how it spawns and try to hit those requirements. Alternatively, if the player wants to play casually but still not miss any story mode events, the safest route is to ensure they are in the base PC room before 7PM every day. Story mode events consist of many types of events such as entity attacks, creepy paranormal events, interactions with aliens, forced signals, and many other unnerving events as the story progresses.

As of Pre-Alpha 0.7, Story Mode pauses on Day 49. From Day 49 onward, the day will permanently loop, functioning as it always has but returning to Day 49 regardless of the sun setting and rising. The player will still be expected to do reports, and the game will continue spawning entities, random events, reputation events, and signal events. This is so whenever the game is updated with new story mode days, the player does not need to replay the entire story mode to get back to where they left off.

For Pre-Alpha 0.8, the creator has stated that there is no need to make a new save for the new content, but has recommended players take items outside base and put them inside base as 0.8 will have major outside elevation changes. As a personal opinion from patreons who accessed the newer build early, due to 0.8's addition of many threats to shake up the gameplay and make the game scarier, it has been recommended to make a new save solely for 0.8 due to the upgraded experience of new threats and changes to existing events.
