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A screenshot of the forest.

The entities in this category are not anomalous. They are naturally existing creatures that can be found in the real world.


Entity Deer.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Deer are the most common entity in Voices of the Void. While deer can spawn anywhere on the map, they usually spawn towards the edges of the map. They are often frequently spotted at Satellite Victor.

Deer randomly roam around the area they spawned at, fading out and despawning if the player approaches. This can be counter-acted by using a machine with a camera attached, such as Kerfur, the Remote Drone, and the stationary Cameras if possible. It is also possible to approach the deer fast enough before they fade out and despawn.

Deer Trivia

  • Deer can be killed via Killer Wisps and their corpse can be eaten.


The base exterior lit by fireflies.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night.

Fireflies are flying glowing insects that float around at night, usually in groups.

They give off a small amount of dim yellow light as they glow. Fireflies will slowly spawn around the player as they remain in the same spot. They will linger around the area for an amount of time then eventually their lights grow dim and then they despawn.

A singular Firefly.

Fireflies Trivia

  • Fireflies, as of Pre-Alpha 0.7, are involved with one story-mode event in the game.
  • Due to being a simple particle effect, fireflies can pass through objects and walls.
  • Fireflies' particles are similar to that of a Killer Wisp.


All available fish as of Pre-Alpha 0.7.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random fishing treasure.

Once pulled out of water, fish will sporadically flop around until killed. They can be chopped up by using the kitchen knife item on them at any point in the process and the chopped pieces can then be cooked via the hot plate.

As of Pre-Alpha 0.7, there are 6 types of fish:

Fish Trivia

  • Fish are the only thing the player can kill that actively bleeds.


An example of the extreme size a roach can grow to.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Leave food out in base.

Roaches are pests which will consume any "food" that's been left out on the map, including things such as mushrooms or Maxwell and Argemwell due to how they're classified as food. Roaches slowly grow in size as they consume more food.

To prevent roaches, it is important to put food in containers or take preventative measures against roaches such as repellent which will dispel roaches in a certain radius around itself.
Alternatively, the player can crush roaches by stepping on them, crush them with many various objects, or eat them. Since roaches can only spawn on concrete, the player doesn't have to worry about them appearing on food outside of base.

Roach Nest

File:Entity RoachNest.png
What a roach nest looks like.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Leave food out in base.

Roach nests can also spawn near food regardless of maximum roach settings.

Roaches Trivia

  • Roaches will turn into hamburgers if the player Hunger stat is low, this was possibly inspired by an old bug within earlier versions of the game.
  • Roaches can squish themselves via physics objects acting out, this can result roaches attempting to eat dead roaches and getting squished by the dead bodies resulting in an never ending loop and lag.
  • Roaches are a favorite snack of Dr. Kel.
  • Roaches can sometimes scream when squished instead of their normal sound.


A dug-up wasp nest.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random digging treasure. 
- Dig at [X: 265, Y: 420].

Wasp nests house aggressive wasps that attack and ragdoll the player (unless physics damage has been enabled) whenever they are close.
The nest will persist unless completely destroyed, breaking down into multiple smaller pieces that must also be destroyed. Wasps will attack more aggressively as their nest is destroyed, though the player can protect themself with a hazmat suit.

Wasps Trivia

  • Wasps, as of Pre-Alpha 0.7, are the only wildlife entity that can result in damage and death to the player.