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Kerfur is a server maintenance robot and mobile camera. Kerfur comes in multiple colors and is purchasable within the store for 500 points.


Kerfur consists of a single body. The body houses robotic arms that are used to repair servers. Kerfur moves on a monowheel, keeping its orientation perfectly. Kerfur has a cat face on its display, and has cat ears on the body's "head".
The player can access Kerfur's camera by using the "cameras" tab in the main computer. Kerfur can also be controlled through this panel.

Camera Controls

To control Kerfur, the player must navigate to the "cameras" section and select the Kerfur. Once the player has switched to Kerfur's camera, they can press the green button on the far right panel. The Kerfur is now under the player's control.

  • Kerfur can be controlled by the two sliders to the right and bottom of the camera's viewport
    • The right slider controls Kerfur's speed
    • The bottom slider controls Kerfur's view on a horizontal axis
  • If the player relinquishes control of the Kerfur, it will return to the task it had when control was first taken.
    • For example, if the player takes control while Kerfur is out on a server repair run and navigates Kerfur back to Base Alpha, Kerfur will return to a server to repair it once control is relinquished.

Crafting Ingredient

Kerfur is used as a crafting ingredient to make Kerfur Parts, Kerfur Wheels, and Kerfur Color. These are critical to the recipe for Omega-Kerfur (Spoilers).


  • Kerfur was original called Kerfus, based off the Kerfus by Pudu Robotics. Kerfur's name and voice-lines were changed to avoid possible copyright issues.
  • As of Pre-alpha Demo 0.6.3, Kerfur is the only character in the game to have original voice acting.
  • Spamming "Pet" will cause Kerfur's meow to gradually increase in pitch before Kerfur suddenly explodes. (Might only be when the funny setting's on, might have to double check.)