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Bad Sun

Event BadSun.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Guaranteed spawn on the real-life 24th of the month that is removed after surviving it.
- Random chance per new day.

This event has two different spawn methods, the first being playing the game on the 24th of the real life month, in which this event is guaranteed when the next day starts. It will continue having a guaranteed spawn on every 24th day of the month until the player unlocks the achievement for surviving it. The other method is a very low random spawn chance whenever an in-game new day starts, unaffected by the previously mentioned achievement. When the sun rises, the base's alarms will go off signifying something wrong. The sun is replaced with a black box seemingly censoring whatever it's been replaced with and any attempt to look at it will cause Kel's vision to be dragged towards it like Insomniac. Standing in any open area where the sun can reach during this event will damage the player and cause them to drop bits of flesh that can be eaten. Upon dying, the player will receive a unique game over, unlocking the Bad Sun achievement. Surviving the entire event unlocks the (name) achievement and disables the guaranteed 24th spawn every month, although it could theoretically still happen via the other random chance spawn. It is recommended the player gets the achievement for dying first that way they do not remove the guaranteed spawn and have to wait an indiscernable amount of time for it to happen again via chance.

Bedroom Vent Breaks

Event BedroomVentBreaks.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while sleeping in the bedroom bed.

While sleeping in the bedroom's bed, there is a random chance that the vent on the wall will fall off, allowing the player access into the vents. This is not an ariral reputation event.

Black Fog

Event BlackFog.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

During this event, a pulsing "brown noise" ambience drone will be heard interspersed with louder white noise. Some directional white noise will be placed near the player to give the impression of a presence nearby.

While the ambience drone is playing, the world will gradually be covered in an opaque black fog and Fog Creatures can spawn and roam the world. Half way through the event, the fog will speed up in reaching full opacity. During the speed-up, Meta Paranoia will occur.

After the event ends, all of its effects will rapidly disappear. This event lasts 2 and a half in-game hours on default settings.

Console Breach

Event ConsoleBreach.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

An intruder has accessed the console and attempted to access the "core" and disable it only for it to not respond.

Earth-Shaking Roar

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A roar from an unknown entity will shake the area around the player.

EG Ship Roaming

Event EGShip.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night.

A EG Ship will descend quickly from the sky and roam the area. If approached, the EG Ship will quickly ascend back to the sky.

Empty Base

Event EmptyBase.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while inside the base perimeter.

The player will be suddenly teleported into a version of base lacking furnishings and lighting, floating inside an empty dark void.


Event Gears.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance upon sleeping to 100 stamina.

Sometimes when the player sleeps to 100% stamina, massive gears will appear across the Array. They will vanish as soon as the player goes outside. (Bugged and does not activate in 0.7.0)

Goat Skull Locker Jumpscare

Event LockerSkull.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance upon opening any locker.

Upon opening a locker, a large goat skull will be inside, which will play a sound and will fade away quickly.

Haunted Kerfur

Event HauntedKerfur.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while Kerfur is turned off.

If the player owns a standard Kerfur which is turned off, it will suddenly bolt up and start wandering to an unknown location, which is marked by a meat pile. Once it reaches the meat pile the Kerfur will stop moving and fall over.

Light Switches Off

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Occasionally, a light switch can be flipped back off on its own.

Mannequins at Uniform

Event UniformMannequins.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

At any point, all the mannequins within the world will be teleported to out front of satellite Uniform. This is an event that can happen within the first day and within sandbox.

Meat Rain

Event MeatRain.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A roaring sound will play, and it will begin to rain meat piles. (These piles will not go away unless the player cleans them up.)

Red Sky

Event RedSky.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

A bright, red sky will form. This red sky will be bright even at midnight. The event will last a whole in-game day.

Satellite Graffiti

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Satanic graffiti will be drawn on the side of the satellite walls.

Satellites Move On Their Own

Event SatellitesMoveOnOwn.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

The satellites will suddenly start moving on their own, and all point in the same direction. This will not cause a new signal to be detected, and if the player is already targeting a signal it will not be interrupted.

Shooting Star

Event ShootingStar.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

Occasionally, a single shooting star will spawn in the sky. It is the same as the shooting stars seen in the Meteor Shower story event.

Skeleton in Chair

Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while not looking at the signal room chair.

A full skeleton will appear, sitting in the player's swivel chair. The bones will stay perfectly in place until they are disturbed.


Event SkyUFO.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance.

An extremely far away Gray UFO can be seen in the sky, barely visible. This event can happen even within other gamemodes such as Sandbox.

Space Jellyfish

Event SpaceJellyfish.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night.

Several ESpace Jellyfish will swim overhead, starting from one corner of the game world to the other corner. They have no interaction with the player, and can swim through world geometry.

Stolen Radio Tower

Event StolenRadioTower.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance while not looking at the radio tower.

The radio tower will be missing in its entirety. This event seems to be based off this real-life report of a radio tower being stolen.