Events/Real-Life Time

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April Fools


Bad Sun

Event BadSun.png
Spawn Condition(s):
- Guaranteed spawn on the real-life 24th of the month that is removed after surviving it.
- Random chance per new day.

This event has two different spawn methods, the first being playing the game on the 24th of the real life month, in which this event is guaranteed when the next day starts. It will continue having a guaranteed spawn on every 24th day of the month until the player unlocks the achievement for surviving it. The other method is a very low random spawn chance whenever an in-game new day starts, unaffected by the previously mentioned achievement. When the sun rises, the base's alarms will go off signifying something wrong. The sun is replaced with a black box seemingly censoring whatever it's been replaced with and any attempt to look at it will cause Kel's vision to be dragged towards it like Insomniac. Standing in any open area where the sun can reach during this event will damage the player and cause them to drop bits of flesh that can be eaten. Upon dying, the player will receive a unique game over, unlocking the (name) achievement. Surviving the entire event unlocks the (name) achievement and disables the guaranteed 24th spawn every month, although it could theoretically still happen via the other random chance spawn. It is recommended the player gets the achievement for dying first that way they do not remove the guaranteed spawn and have to wait an indiscernable amount of time for it to happen again via chance.



Teleporting Shadows

For more information, see Entities/Forbiddens.
Spawn Condition(s):
- The date and time is June 28th, 9:00PM

Upon the clock changing from 8:59PM to 9:00PM on June 28th, a group of teleporting shadows will spawn in and immediately run to the player, and upon reaching them, they will start teleporting around and circling the player for 15 seconds before despawning.