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This page lists and explains several aspects of Voices of the Void's gameplay.

Player Stats

Food Stat

The player's Hunger is represented by the orange "F" in the bottom left corner of the screen. The lower this stat is, the hungrier Kel becomes.
Hitting certain hunger point thresholds has notable effects on the player, outlined below:

  • When below 20 points, the player will not be able to run or repair servers.
  • Hitting 15 or below has two effects, one being fake burger hallucinations appearing around the player, and the other being the player ragdolling randomly.
  • When at zero points, the player will start to take damage.

Stamina Stat

The player's Stamina meter is represented by the blue "S" in the bottom left corner of the screen. The lower this stat, the more tired Kel becomes. Akin to the hunger stat, hitting a certain stamina level will cause different effects to appear, noted below:

  • When below 20 stamina, the player will not be able to run or repair servers.
  • The Insomniac will spawn around 10-20 stamina.
    • The insomniac will vanish if the player's stamina reaches 20 or more.
    • Exactly 5 minutes after spawning, the Insomniac will begin chase.
  • When at zero stamina, there's a chance that the player will randomly collapse and sleep wherever they are.


Health can be a confusing status because of the fact that there isn't an actual health "bar" or number indicator. Instead, it's represented by a vignette which darkens around the edges of the screen as the player takes more damage.
Notable sources of damage include:

  • Drowning
  • Radiation Poisoning
  • Burning
  • Fall Damage
  • Food Poisoning
  • Explosions
  • Assault by entities

Fall damage and damage taken while ragdolled can be completely disabled in the settings under the E (experimental features) tab.


Reputation is an even more esoteric stat than health since it's generally not meant to be visible to the player. As its name would suggest, rep is the stat which determines the player's standing with some of the in-game factions and entities. The player's reputation value will influence the availability of certain events. The only way to see your exact reputation value is to type rep.debug into a computer console.

  • Arirals are currently the only faction to have a fully-implemented reputation system.


Food Tolerance

Eating the same food several times in a row will cause the playable character, Kel, to grow tired of the specific food and refuse to eat it. This stat is hidden until tolerance limits have been hit and an infobox apppears which says I don't want to eat that.

  • If the player is below 10 food, Kel will eat anything regardless of the player's tolerance stat.
  • Sleeping will restore the tolerance of all food items and make anything edible again.
  • Food tolerance can be completely disabled in the settings under the E tab menu.

Food Taste

All food items have a hidden "taste" value which will influence the food tolerance stat of other items.

  • Healthy foods such as pumpkins, roots and cheese have a high food taste stat.
  • This value only matters if food tolerance is enabled.


Food can rot if left out for an extended period of time. This can be prevented by placing the food in a container item such as a crate, keeping it in the inventory, or putting it in the base's fridge.

  • As of Pre-Alpha 0.7.0b3, food will not rot if the player keeps it in their inventory.
  • Spoilage can also be disabled in the settings under the E tab menu.

Meta Paranoia

Meta Paranoia is a colloquial, community-created term which describes the player's inability to pause, sleep, or save during an event.

  • If the player tries to pause while Meta Paranoia is active, an error sound will play and the pause menu will not appear.
  • Should the player attempt to save, an info popup that says: SAVE ERROR: NULL will appear.
  • If the player tries to sleep with Meta Paranoia active, an info popup will appear that reads "I don't want to sleep, I can sense something..."


Power, also known as Transformer Cycles is the main resource that powers the base and all machines and terminals inside. There are three Transformers which the player must maintain to keep power flowing around the base.

  • Turning off machines via the power breaker box's switches will decrease power usage and extend the time that a single transformer cycle takes.
    • Disabling more machines will increase the efficiency of other powered machines.
    • The server processing machine and the signal download machine are the only machines currently affected by this.

Power usage

Power usage can be monitored by typing tr.check into a computer console. This command will display a list of each transformer with their respective power stat. The lower the number, the less power that transformer has.

  • The power usage of different machines is signified by their placement on the breaker box in the basement. The higher the machine's switch, the more power that machine will use.
  • Power usage is not affected by individual lights being on or off in the base. Instead, it's affected by the lighting switch on the breaker.
  • Every day, a random transformer is picked to be the main transformer that power is drained from.
  • When a transformer runs out of power or "fails", it can be re-enabled by pressing the big red button on the transformer. Pressing the button once will restore the transformer's power to a number from 10-15.
    • It's recommended to press a button twice so that the power will be fully restored to 100 instead of leaving it - in a best case scenario - at 15, which will often end up running out by the time the player returns to their base.
  • The length of each transformer cycle can be increased by the upgrade for transformer stability.

Power breaker box

The power breaker box is located in the basement of the base. It has multiple switches which are labelled with their names. Flipping these switches will either turn on or turn off the power to their respective machines.

  • Calculations controls the signal processing machine, consoles, and all servers throughout the entire compound.
  • Downloading controls the signal downloading machine in the main base.
  • Coordinates controls the machine used for pinging signals.
  • Playing controls the signal audio and imaging machine.
  • Lights controls the lights in the base, the power to the security doors, and all interior outlets.



A server calibration is a representation of a satellite's current accuracy. This affects the player's overall download and processing speeds. There are a few commands that can influence the calibration statistic:

  • sd.calall will calibrate every single server until all servers are at 100% accuracy or until a broken-down server is located.
    • sd.calall does not continue after it hits a broken server.

Server status

Server status represents whether or not a certain server is turned on or broken down. This affects download speed and processing speed. Servers can be repair via a minigame or server repair items, such as Server_Kits or a Kerfur unit.

  • Repairing a server via the minigame will give the player 5 points.
    • Using server repair item will not give the player any points.
    • Inside of each minigame is a "best time" indicator, which represents the player's fastest speed from opening a broken server's menu to fixing it completely.
      • Beating your "best time" will result in the player receiving a 10 point bonus.

Game Difficulty

Difficulty effects how fast one stats drain, how many tasks are included in the daily task, and how fast the day goes by.


  • Takes 3 minutes and 7 seconds in real life to past one in-game hour.


Walking Speed: 400 units per second
Sprinting Speed: 800 units per second
Crouching Speed: 150 units per second
Terminal Velocity: 4000 units per second
Sandbox Flying Speed: 1000 units per second
Sandbox Flying + Sprinting Speed: 5000 units per second
ATV Speed: 2000 units per second
ATV Boost Speed: 4000 units per second