Template:Items MiscTable

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Name and Image Buying price Selling price Weight Volume Description Info
File:Item Cup Ingame Transparent.png
1 0 0.3 5.3 "An empty plastic cup." Can be used for drinking brewed coffee.
Coffee bag
File:Item CoffeeBag Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 3.9 46.7 "A bag of coffee, this can be placed on a coffee machine to make coffee." Will hold up to 10 coffee beans before becoming empty.
Item Sponge Ingame Transparent.png
3 1 0.5 7.5 "A sponge used for cleaning surfaces. It has two methods of use: you can dip in the water and rub against surface, or pick it up, left-click on the water source, then right-click on a dirty surface."
Item Soap Ingame Transparent.png
5 2 0.5 5.7 "Apple flavored soap." Can be eaten.
File:Item Bucket Ingame Transparent.png
15 7 6.3 42.9 "A metal bucket." Can be used for storing liquids.
File:Item Nail Ingame Transparent.png
3 1 0.4 1.0 "Used by hammer and nailgun. Put nails in a container box to use them. Or RMB with a nail to a prop to nail it manually."
Axle nail
File:Item AxleNail Ingame Transparent.png
4 2 0.3 0.7 "Creates one axis axle, like a wheel joint. Used by hammer and nailgun. Put nails in a container box to use them. Or RMB with a nail to a prop to nail it manually."
Hazmat suit
File:Item HazmatSuit Ingame Transparent.png
300 150 17.6 445.8 No description. Can be equipped to avoid radiation damage.
Garbage bag
File:Item GarbageBag Ingame Transparent.png
1 0 3.1 0.3 "Folded garbage bag. Used for bagging up piles of garbage." Can only be used for bagging piles, not individual garbage items.
Garbage bag roll
File:Item GarbageBagRoll Ingame Transparent.png
16 8 9.6 1.5 "A roll of garbage bags. Contains 12 bags." More efficient at the cost of being more expensive.
Ultrabait box "Lure"
File:Item UltrabaitBoxLure Ingame Transparent.png
200 100 1.0 18.8 No description. Can be opened for four bait pieces.
Ultrabait box "Luck"
File:Item UltrabaitBoxLuck Ingame Transparent.png
250 125 1.0 18.8 No description. Can be opened for four bait pieces.
Ultrabait box "No-bite"
File:Item UltrabaitBoxNobite Ingame Transparent.png
350 175 1.0 18.8 No description. Can be opened for four bait pieces.
Ultrabait box "Ultimate"
File:Item UltrabaitBoxUltimate Ingame Transparent.png
600 300 1.0 18.8 No description. Can be opened for four bait pieces.
File:Item Mop Ingame Transparent.png
300 150 3.1 42.7 "Mop, used to clean up grime and dirt. Left-click on a source of water, hold right-click clean." More convenient than a sponge. 25 store slots.
Mop bucket
File:Item MopBucket Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 19.3 483.0 Can be used for storing liquids. 25 store slots.
File:Item Broom Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 17.6 333.8 "Broom, used to sweep physical objects (trash)." Can be used to free objects that are stuck. 25 store slots.
Farm pot
File:Item FarmPot Ingame Transparent.png
75 37 19.0 379.0 "A farm pot. Used to grow plants (currently only mushrooms)." Plant mushroom bait in to grow mushrooms. 25 store slots.
Accumulator battery
File:Item AccumulatorBattery Ingame Transparent.png
150 75 0.2 0.9 "An accumulator battery, can be recharged in a battery charger." Renewable battery for the flashlight. Can also be used to craft coolers.
Brick stack
File:Item BrickStack Ingame Transparent.png
40 20 74.8 2,395.8 Used for creating brick walls with the Wall builder. Comes with 48 bricks.
GPU board
File:Item GPUBoard Ingame Transparent.png
200 100 4.6 65.9 No description. After slotting a metal scrap into the Frame, the GPU can be added in to increase income.