Wall builder

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Wall builder
Item WallBuilder Ingame Transparent.png
Type Tool
Found Store
Volume 21.7
Weight 3.8
Buying price 500
Selling price ?

The Wall Builder is currently marked as a WIP item.


The Wall Builder has multiple functions, each outlined below.

  • By holding LMB the player can start placing a wall.
    • The player can release LMB to finish placing a wall.
    • The player can press RMB while holding LMB to cancel wall placement.
  • Pressing Shift + LMB will delete a wall.
  • The player can press Shift + RMB to lock the pivot of a wall relative to the player.

Building Walls

  • The wall builder has multiple shapes of walls that can be built, which can be cycled through with RMB.
    • The different shapes are cone, cylinder, cube, and sphere.
  • To start building a wall, hold down LMB and drag the cursor to set the dimensions of the shape you want to place. Once satisfied with the wall's dimensions, release LMB to finalize a "ghost" of the wall.
    • Ghosts will require a certain amount of building resources depending on their size, the resources can be added to the ghost by just physically touching it.
    • You can remove ghosts by clicking on them with LMB while holding shift.
  • Different resources for constructing walls can be used, each of which result in a different texture.
    • These resources are bricks, all types of scrap, dirt and meat chunks/gore piles. Below are photos of each type of wall.
