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The ATV in the base's garage

The ATV is the only functioning vehicle, and is also what the player will use to travel longer distances. It has limited fuel and health, which can be restored via Gas Cans and Toolboxes respectively.

How To Use

Pressing E while the Sit option is selected will allow the player to start driving it. It has a brake and flashlight, which can be toggled with space and f respectively. Looking in between the handlebars shows the ATV's stats.

The ATV's stats when visible

Fuel: How much fuel the ATV has (100 Maximum), which is drained by driving it (using W or S keys by default). If 0, the player will have to refuel it by right-clicking on the hole on the "forehead" of the ATV while holding a gas can, pressing it against said hole if grabbing a gas can, or leaving it out in sunlight if the player has bought the ATV_solar_power Module.
Speed: How fast the ATV is going.
Power: How much the player is making the ATV propel forward or backward, i.e how hard the gas pedal's being pushed down. The number will be positive if it's being driven forward, and negative if it's being driven backward.
Brake: Whether or not the ATV's brake is on (true=brake on, false=brake off). Also indicated by the striped handlebar to the right of the ATV.
Health: How much health the ATV has (100 Maximum). If it's low enough, The ATV will start emitting smoke. If it reaches 0, it'll explode, and it'll have to be repaired by left-clicking anywhere on the ATV if holding a toolbox or pressing the toolbox against the ATV if grabbing said toolbox.

Typing sv_target vehicle into a console will make the compass at the bottom of the screen point towards the ATV. The ATV can also be carried rather easily, although it can still take damage if it's slammed into a surface hard enough. When partially submerged in water, the ATV becomes more difficult to move, and if it's completely underwater, it won't work until it's taken out of the water. If there are any beacons activated in the map, then sitting on the ATV will show the direction to them as red dots in the partially transparent box near the bottom of the screen. Gas cans can be used to refill the ATV even if the solar power module is bought.

Related Events (Spoilers)

The ATV Refill and ATV Repair events, which only occur if the Ariral Rep Tier is Loyal, have an ariral either refill the ATV to 200 fuel(past what it can normally hold), or repair the ATV so it has 200 health. If the Ariral Rep Tier is Mean, the ATV has a chance to spawn on the bridge nearest to the base. If interacted with, it'll explode and set the fuel and health to 0.