Gas Can

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Gas can
Item GasCan Ingame transparent.png
Ingame Description A gas can, stores fuel for the vehicle.
Type Essentials
Found Store/Found
Volume 103.6
Weight 7.4
Buying price 25
Selling price 12

Gas cans are a usable item that can be found around the world or purchased from the store.


The gas can currently has two main uses:

  • Providing fuel to the ATV.
  • Providing fuel to gas lamps.

Both of these items can be refilled by the player in one of two ways:

  • Holding the gas can and right-clicking on the object in question, or,
  • Picking up the gas can and physically touching it to the object.

When either action is performed, the gas can will lose up to 100 fuel depending on how much is used by the object.

    • Note: gas lamps can only hold 30 fuel at a time, so gas cans will not lose more than 30 fuel per refill.

If the player picks up and throws the gas can enough times, it will become damaged and explode. The same will happen if the player hits the gas can with a weapon or tool.

    • This does not happen if the gas can is near or at zero fuel.


There are several gas cans around the world, with locations listed as follows:

  • Multiple cans in the garage of the base and a few scattered in the storage closet and administration room.
    • Along with a tile, there's also a very small gas can on the roof of the garage which holds ~200 fuel, double the capacity of normal cans.
  • Multiple gas cans can be found inside the fenced-in portion of the hole.
    • This is also a suitable location to find a gas-powered lamp.
  • There are a few gas cans inside one of the transformer buildings, on a blue shelf.


  • When the player attempts to use the gas can with RMB without looking at a refill-able object, a toast message will pop up that says "I cannot drink gas."
    • Due to the first person nature of this statement, most community members believe this quote is Dr. Kel refusing to drink gasoline.
    • This is the same action that players can take to eat foods while holding them, and might have been discovered by a player accidentally trying to eat food without swapping items first.