Entities/Extraterrestrial Entities

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Extraterrestrial Entities (or aliens) are creatures which appear in the game but do not originate from the planet Earth. Their status as aliens does not determine their attitude towards the player.

Many story mode events involve aliens in some way or another, and they're generally some of the most important creatures to the background story of Voices of the Void.

Extraterrestrial Factions

These are alien species with heavy connections to the plot, world, or events and random events that happen throughout the game, requiring more documentation for in-depth explanations.


For lore, see Arirals.

The most commonly interacted with alien species in-game with connections to a large chunk of events and multiple complex systems dedicated to their relationship with the player. Due to the length and amount of entries under the Ariral category, they are mainly explained in the following page: Entities/Arirals.


For lore, see Grays.



For lore, see Rozitals.

A reoccurring alien species throughout the game with a decent amount of events and the most entities dedicated to their specific faction as of Pre-Alpha 0.7. Due to length and the amount of entries under the Rozital category, they are mainly explained in the following page: Entities/Rozitals.

Space Goblins

For lore, see Space Goblins.

Entities/Space Goblins


One-off aliens that have small or no connection to a group.

EG Ship

The EG ship floating by.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night.

An egg-shaped ship. It flies into the sky and despawns upon getting too close.

Space Jellyfish

A space jellyfish floating near base.
Spawn Condition(s):
- Random chance at night.

A jellyfish seemingly from the depths of space. They silently float through the air. Space Jellyfish, as of Pre-Alpha 0.7, have no collisions and do not shock or damage the player when touched.