Template:Items ToolsTable

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Name and Image Buying price Selling price Volume Description Info
Item Crowbar Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 10.9 "A familiar crowbar that can be equipped, dealing medium amounts of damage and featuring a medium attack speed." Best tool for breaking things
Digital map
Item DigitalMap Ingame transparent.png
150 75 31.1 "A portable digital map. Shows player coordinates and location, satellite locations, and a height map of the area." Shows the coordinates of the tool, not the player. Displays enabled beacons
Item Rock Ingame transparent.png
15 7 60.0 "Seems to be an ordinary rock, could be useful for breaking things." To break things, use the stone as a prop, not as a tool. Does minimal damage as a tool
Item Beacon Ingame transparent.png
40 20 0.0 "A beacon, displays a waypoint on the digital map and the built-in ATV minimap." Turn on beacon and leave it at interesting places File:ATV Minimap screenshot.jpg
Item Toolbox Ingame transparent.png
100 50 328.4 "A box with tools. Can be used to fix the ATV." Touch the ATV with toolbox, or while holding toolbox press LMB on the ATV. The selling price does not change even after all uses have been consumed.
Digital camera
Item DigitalCamera Ingame transparent.png
100 50 13.2 "A digital camera. Can be used to take photos and transfer them to a computer." Once a photo is taken, it will be present in the Photos tab of the computer. From there you can delete it, save it as a jpg, or print it, if you own a Fax/printer from the Machines tab of the Store.
Item Hook Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 35.5 "Hooks with a rope. Used to hook two objects." Extremely durable.
The first time you press the LMB to throw the first hook, which is immediately attached to the object. The second time - attach the hook to another object.
RMB returns the hook
The mouse wheel changes the length of the hook.
You can use this hook as a grappling hook.
Metal Detector
Item MetalDetector Ingame Transparent.png
300 150 18.2 "A metal detector. Beeps if an object underground is nearby." To be used together with a Shovel. The Shovel can only be found by exploring.
Password changer
Item PasswordChanger Ingame Transparent.png
200 100 8.0 "A password changer for the keypads. Remember to change both keypads on either side of the door." Can be used to change the password to the inner locked door to the bunker. Will not work on the first door.
Hammer (WIP)
Item HammerBuilding Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 15.8 "Nails stuff together. Put nails in a container box for a hammer to use them." To use the hammer to place a nail, nails must be inside the player inventory. They can also be inside a container within the inventory.
Roach repellent
Item RoachRepellent Ingame Transparent.png
150 75 21.5 "Repels roaches." Makes roaches move away from the area affected by it, of around 1.5 meters. Good for keeping roaches away from food on the floor, or from a specific area.
Item Lighter Ingame OpenTransparent.png
100 1 0.6 No description. Use right click to open lighter and left click to use flame to ignite an object. Fire will spread between objects, or to the player, damaging them.
Fire extinguisher
Item FireExtinguisher Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 55.5 "A simple fire extinguisher, comes in handy when things get "hot"." Left click to shoot a stream of extinguisher to put out fire. Fire extinguishers can activate on their own if hit hard enough.
Item Thermometer Ingame Transparent.png
100 50 8.7 No description. Right click on food items to measure their temperature. Food will give more food value if warmer, will damage you if too hot, and will be inedible if too cold.
Ball of red string
Item BallOfRedString Ingame Transparent.png
55 27 18.7 "A ball of red string, connects two points or objects together. Breaks when enough force is applied." Similar to the Hook, will connect objects together, but far more flimsy. More decorative in nature.
Item Pencil Ingame Transparent.png
20 10 0.1 "A pencil, used to draw on paper. Pick it up, then right click on an empty paper sheet." Despite the item description, left click is actually the control to draw on a piece of paper. This will open a menu where left click can be used to draw, right can be used to erase, the color can be changed in the top left (sandbox only), you can crumple up a piece of paper using the "Destroy" button, and the "Export" button to export your image to the VotV file folder, similar to the Digital camera.
"Meter" ruler
Item MeterRuler Ingame Transparent.png
20 (will not ship) 10 0.0 "A one meter long wooden ruler. Useful for macro measurement." Meter long ruler. Oddly, does not seem to ship via drone successfully, but will cost points, resulting in an empty box for 20 points.
Measuring tape
Item MeasuringTape Ingame Transparent.png
200 100 3.7 No description. Hold right click between two points to determine the distance between the two. Best tool for measuring distance.
Item Workbench Ingame Transparent.png
200 100 6,201.6 Large item, used to craft objects, found in the garage of the Base upon starting the game. Can be used to turn trash pieces and objects into scrap and making crafting recipes. To use, place materials on the table, stand back and aim cursor at the top of the table, then use the menu on the right to select a craft.
Pin box
Item PinBox Ingame Transparent.png
75 37 22.7 "A box of pins." Right click to place a small red pushpin. Pins placed on the map will be semi-transparent.
Can opener
Item CanOpener Ingame Transparent.png
100 50 0.6 No description. Used to open canned food dug up using the metal detector.
Kitchen knife
Item KitchenKnife Ingame Transparent.png
50 25 0.5 No description. Good as a weapon for breaking things, similar to the crowbar, but lighter, does less damage, and faster.
Wall builder
Item WallBuilder Ingame Transparent.png
500 250 21.7 "How to use:
Hold LMB - start placing a wall
Release LMB - finish placing
RMB while holding LMB - cancel
Shift+LMB - delete wall
Shift while holding LMB - keep pivot relative"
RMB to change wall type. Places a semi transparent place for a wall to be, which can be filled with bricks, or alternatively dirt, recycled scrap, or player gibs (specifically "goregib_g_5"). Bricks can be purchased from the store in Brick stacks.
Wall fixer
Item WallFixer Ingame Transparent.png
100 50 9.7 "How to use:
RMB - fix the wall"
Hold RMB to slowly fix a damaged wall from the Wall builder. Does not fix a wall after it completely breaks.
Item Swatter Ingame Transparent.png
100 50 3.0 No description. Swats, kills roaches and turns them into an item.
Nail gun
Item Nailgun Ingame Transparent.png
100 50 22.1 "Shoots nails. Put nails in a container box for nailgun to use them." Shoots nails from the inventory at high speeds. To use, nails must be inside the player inventory. They can also be inside a container within the inventory.
Sell gun
Item SellGun Ingame Transparent.png
2,000 1,000 8.7 "Converts objects into points. Should be used in case if you move saves and want to get a portion of points from large objects, or if you want to sell "large" objects like tables or printer." Will turn objects into a bunch of floating coin objects which must be manually picked up, good for large objects that cant be shipped via item box.