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Item Thermometer Ingame Transparent.png
Type Misc
Found Store
Volume 8.7
Buying price 100
Selling price 50

The Thermometer is a usable item that can be purchased from the store.


The Thermometer is used exclusively to measure the temperature of food items in-game, helping the player to heat foods effectively using the Microwave or Portable Hot Plate.
Upon using the Thermometer while looking at a food item, a toast message displaying the food's temperature in °C will be shown. Using the thermometer while aiming at an invalid non-food object will display an toast message reading "Not a food", and does nothing when used otherwise.
The thermometer does not require batteries, nor does it need to be recharged.



Purchased from the store on the Main Computer for 100 points


  • Pizzas, the Sushi box, and Cans opened with the Can Opener cannot be measured with the thermometer, nor be heated.
  • Cups of coffee, while able to be measured by the thermometer, will always stay at 20°C, even when being actively heated or cooled.