Password changer

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Password changer
Item PasswordChanger Ingame Transparent.png
Type Tool
Found Store
Volume 8.0
Weight 1.1
Buying price 200
Selling price ?

The password changer is a tool that allows the player to change codes on keypads to a custom passcode.


A password changer for the keypads. Remember to change both keypads on either side of the door.


Keypad with a blue light.

The player can use the password changer by holding the item and pressing RMB on any keypad. The keypad's light will subsequently turn blue, and the next code entered will then be set as the password for that keypad.
It is important to note that the two keypads for each door can have different codes. Changing one keypad on one door does not automatically sync the changes with the other keypad.
The keypads for the outermost Alpha Bunker door can not be changed.