Sleeping Bag

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Sleeping bag
Item SleepingBag Ingame Transparent.png
Ingame Description A cozy blue sleeping bag; allows you to sleep wherever you like.
Type Essentials
Found Store
Volume 285.7
Weight 25.7
Buying price 150
Selling price 75

The Sleeping bag is an item used for portable sleeping.


Using the sleeping bag will cause the player to sleep. The sleeping bag can be placed anywhere.


  • Despite not showing up in the action menu, the player can in fact hold the sleeping bag and collect it. This allows for placing the sleeping bag into a backpack or other storage items.
  • The portable nature and reusable of the sleeping bag makes it's a good item to keep on you if you plan on doing exploring for long periods of time without needing to bring stamina restoring items.
  • The player can use the sleeping bag as a bed for the signal processing room if they need to speed up the signal process.