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Reason: Don't need a shared article for these items

Note: Item names are quoted directly from the game and therefore any spelling or grammar errors in item names are a product of the game, not this wiki.
Voices Of The Void has four main healing items:

  • The "Syrup bottle"
  • The "Pills bottle"
  • The "Pill box"
  • And the "Medkit"

Each healing item has one use, but they all heal for different amounts.
The player can also heal passively over time, but this is much slower than using a healing item.

Syrup bottle

Syrup bottle
Item SyrupBottle Ingame transparent.png
Ingame Description Heals by 15
Type Essentials
Found Store
Volume 0.8
Weight 0.1
Buying price 13
Selling price 6

The Syrup Bottle is a healing item that can be bought from the store. It is the least effective healing item.

Visually, it is a small, brownish-green bottle with a whitish-gray cap and a white label encircling the middle of the bottle.

Pills bottle

Pills bottle
Item PillsBottle Ingame transparent.png
Ingame Description Heals by 25%
Type Essentials
Found Store
Volume 2.7
Weight 0.2
Buying price 22
Selling price 11

The Pills bottle is a healing item that can be bought from the store. It is more effective than the Syrup bottle, but less effective than the Pill box or Medkit.

Visually, the Pills bottle is a white plastic bottle with a blue label encircling the middle of the bottle and a short, wide, white cap.

Pill box

Pill box
Item PillBox Ingame transparent.png
Ingame Description Heals by 40%
Type Essentials
Found Store
Volume 1.8
Weight 0.2
Buying price 35
Selling price 17

The Pill box is a healing item that can be bought from the store. It is more effective than the Pills bottle and the Syrup bottle, but less effective than the Medkit.

Visually, the Pill box is a long, short, white box with a yellow label on the rightmost section of the box.


Item MedKit Ingame transparent.png
Ingame Description A medkit. Used to heal wounds.
Type Essentials
Found Store
Volume 147.8
Weight 5.6
Buying price 75
Selling price 37

The Medkit is a healing item that can be found around the map or bought from the store. It heals the player to full health, and is therefore the most effective healing item.
Visually, the Medkit is a rounded rectangular pouch with red and brown coloration and a white cross on top. It has brown zippers on the center that encircle the pouch horizontally.

The player can find one Medkit in the Administration room in Base Alpha. When held in the inventory, the Medkit has an extremely high "volume" stat compared to other medicine items.