Car Keys

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Car keys
Item CarKeys Ingame Transparent.png
Ingame Description RMB - ping the ATV to show its aproximate location
Type Essentials
Found Store/Found
Volume 0.8
Weight 0.1
Buying price 150
Selling price 75


The car keys are always connected to the player's ATV.
When the RMB is pressed, the ATV will turn on a beep that will be heard on half of the map, and both lights will flash, which can be seen through the walls and terrain.
This is the most expensive item in the base that can be sold using the Item box.


Car keys look like modern car keys with remote control. Car keys are accompanied by a keychain with a picture of Keljoy's face on one side and the text "Keljoy" on the other.


The player can find them in the administration room. Or buy car keys in the store for 150 points.
